How Unprecedented Times Can Impact Spiritual Health and Spirit Attachment

How Unprecedented Times Can Impact Spiritual Health and Spirit Attachment

Every year has defining moments, but 2020 included world-changing events that influenced people’s health, finances, personal freedoms, children’s educations and much more.

It is not surprising that extreme isolation coupled with great uncertainty and fear causes many people to become ungrounded, which makes them more at risk for physical and mental disorders.

At the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, we have experienced an increase in people with symptoms they believe are due to Spirit Attachment. Before we explain how unprecedented times can contribute to Spirit Attachment, let’s clarify what Spirit Attachment is.

Spirit Attachment, also known as Entity Attachment is when the spirit of a person who has passed away (and doesn’t transition to the other side) attaches itself to a living person’s energy field. These spirits feed off of a person’s energy, and as a result, the living person who was once healthy and happy may start to experience symptoms that cause them pain and anguish. Common symptoms of Spirit Attachment are unexplained anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, racing thoughts, addiction, powerful negative emotions, personality changes, mood swings, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, digestive problems, and more. The Spirit Attachment phenomenon is still mostly unknown or misunderstood by society and as a result many people end up suffering for years with reasons unknown to them. Conventional methods usually don’t alleviate symptoms caused by Spirit Attachments.