
Upcoming Events


When we created The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, our mission was not only to free people of ghosts and spirit attachments, but to also educate people about the phenomenon of spirit attachment in order to help them lead better, more peaceful lives.


So, how do we educate?

Of course, we publish books about spirit attachment and the laws of the universe, including translations into multiple foreign languages for wider access. And, our staff is available by phone or via email to answer people’s basic questions. These consultations are offered free of charge.

Another important method we use to educate is to host or participate in events. We organize lectures and speak at spiritual conferences around the world.  What our travels have taught us over the years is that no matter what culture, religion, skin color, age or social status, people experience spirit attachments in exactly the same way. We always visit and present annually at spiritual-living expos in Europe and you can often find us at the following U.S. events: New Living Expo in San Mateo, and Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, among others. Lectures provide an opportunity to meet with us in person. 


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We also arrange private events for private organizations, individuals or non-profits at their shops, homes, or organizational space. Please contact us for more information and details.

We work hard to educate through books, lectures, and events because we do not want anyone to suffer in silence. You do not have to be terrified because you cannot find an explanation or solution to your ailments. We are here to help.




There are currently no scheduled events.