It's essential to grasp that many of us struggle with accepting and allowing ourselves to fully experience our emotions. Thus, today's discussion aims to shed light on several correlations, particularly for those who may not be fully aware of them. We will particularly focus on fear and answer the question: How does the fear of spirits reflect our deepest anxieties and historical traumas?
Fear stands as the most potent negative emotion, laying the foundation for all other negative feelings. For instance, anger towards a boss stems from the fear of their potential negative impact on our lives and finances, activating our deepest survival instincts.
The fear of spirits, whether conscious or subconscious, stems from the worry that a spirit might somehow ruin our lives. If we consider unconscious fear, its origins lie in the times of the Inquisition in Europe, which began in the early 13th century and concluded only in the late 19th century. It brought immense suffering of various kinds, particularly to those thought to be "in league with the devil." This same suffering was endured by lay Christians - exorcists who, since the time of Jesus (considered the greatest exorcist, casting out evil spirits), helped the afflicted. They were active well before the establishment of the Catholic Church.
The horror experienced by people at that time generated immense fear, less from the spirit possession itself and more from its consequences. The mildest consequences for the spirit possession or the exorcist included public penance, imprisonment, or property seizure. However, it often involved severe torture and death, including being burned alive at the stake. The fear instilled in people affected by the Inquisition's verdicts in various places continues to this day. It is not only part of our collective emotional state but also our physical bodies, capable of storing traumatic experiences and passing them on to future generations.
One might think this phenomenon would concern only those living in areas affected by the Inquisition. However, through collective consciousness, including emotional consciousness, this fear reaches people worldwide. Each of us can sense the horrors of those events. Thus, it's no surprise that everyone fears being possessed by spirits and, by extension, fears spirits. When our conscious or subconscious mind encounters the concept of a "spirit," it immediately connects with the collective fear of spirit possession, the Inquisition, and the horrors of those times. For most, this process is unconscious, which doesn't mean it lacks influence on us.
On the contrary, people begin to feel inner unrest as soon as any spirit approaches them. Despite our tendency to deny this and other negative emotions (as we've been taught), this fear significantly affects our psyche. This explains why it's incredibly difficult for most people to seek help from an exorcist. A person first denies the fact of being possessed for a long time. Only when the suffering from symptoms of spirit possession becomes unbearable does the individual feel cornered, with no escape. In this situation, they are willing to do anything to rid themselves of their unimaginable inner suffering. It's a desperate act, saying, "Let whatever happens, happen; living this way isn't worth it. I'm ready to face the worst. I have nothing to lose; it can't get any worse..." These processes occur at deep levels of our psyche, and most do not consciously recognize them. Eventually, they seek help, amazed at how long they delayed this decision.
The spirit removal process removes spirits from a person and teaches them how to prevent spirits from approaching after they've been expelled from their body. The removal performed by our Center lasts up to three months, with periods of freedom from spirits gradually extending. Eventually, a point is reached where the situation stabilizes, and the person no longer attracts spirits.
From the depths of our psyche, a new fear begins to rise, fortunately much easier to overcome than the fear of spirit possession. It's the fear of losing freedom from spirits, the fear of their return. Usually, there's no need to work on this specific fear, other than affirming trust in the fairness and kindness of the Universe. It's also vital to persistently work on being aware of one's emotions, creating the only lasting shield against the influence of spirits. By recognizing our emotions, we can notice if and when spirits approach us. Consciously acknowledging their approach gives us the tool to elevate our vibration, distancing ourselves from the low vibrations of the astral world, thereby keeping spirits at bay. One way to elevate our vibration is presented in the post, What Can Spirit Possession Teach Us, Part 2 (an exercise with counting). Then, the fear of spirits and spirit possession gradually dissipates in the face of continual evidence that we can handle any situation related to the potential return of spirits to our energetic body.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of his wife Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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