Most clients report that they prefer our 12-week / 90+ sessions, spirit removal process over traditional exorcism. During that time we focus on removing spirits several times a day at a distance, whereas traditional exorcism is typically performed once or in a few sessions. We understand that spirits have a tendency to return after being led away. Therefore, our 12-week program provides removal sessions every day combined with counseling on how to deter spirits from being attracted in the future. Many people show improvement after just a few weeks, sometimes even days.
Since 1968, we have dealt with over 100,000+ people from around the world who have suffered from emotional disturbances and physical illnesses that were often considered to be incurable. Our unique ability is that we are able to diagnose and remove spirit entities, aka ghosts, from people remotely; no matter where a person is located. The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center was founded by Wanda & Mike Pratnicka - unique healers in that they marry formal education and philosophy—Wanda earned her PhD in Philosophy, an M.A. in Psychology, and a B.A. in Parapsychology—with a natural and innate gift that manifested itself when they were children.
There is no need to travel to see us (no travel costs). We use a proven remote spirit removal method to help our clients from various countries throughout the world. It is safe for all parties involved. The remote process is more effective because it is more peaceful and prevents spirits from fighting back. In order for us to perform remote removal, it is essential to provide the following data: first and last name, date of birth and address (no pictures needed). We also use the remote process to clear any negative energies from houses / properties.
Each client has a Case Worker assigned to them to guide them throughout the process. The Case Worker is available via phone or email. Clients receive written instructions on how they need to work on themselves to raise their vibrations so they do not attract spirits back once those spirits are led away. We are always successful at removing a spirit on any given day, however some people attract spirits back immediately, although this is an unconscious act by them. Therefore, it is just as important to help clients work on themselves so spirits are not attracted back.
Yes, you can. Please note that if you are requesting the removal process for your loved one, without their knowledge, then the outcome is harder to predict. Most find great improvement, but not all of them. Because our Case Workers cannot counsel them directly (which we recommend), the person has less control over the spirits. The success rate of spirit removal in such cases is around 85%.
When spirits are removed, people often describe the sensation feeling as if someone has removed heavy chains from them; they finally feel free. Others describe it as feeling as if someone removed baggage from them that they have been carrying for years. They feel lighter, calmer, happier, have more motivation to live, more energy, and clearer thinking. Sometimes even their facial expression changes, they have a new sparkle in their eyes, and they look younger.
We hope our answers to these frequently asked questions provide you with the knowledge or comfort you may be seeking. If you can't find what you are looking for in our FAQ section, please contact us via email or phone.
If you are interested to start the spirit removal process, please contact us by phone or email.
Basic program: We recommend this program for people who just recently started to deal with spirit attachment and suffer from mild symptoms. They are also self-motivated and ready to independently follow written instructions given at the beginning of the program to prevent spirits from coming back in the future. It is also intended for people who will NOT actively participate in the spirit removal process. They are enrolled in the process by family members or friends.
Standard Program: this is the most recommended option due to the fact that most people don’t realize how they attracted spirits in the first place and what emotions/behavioral patterns continue to expose them to spirits. One-on-one consultations with our caseworker will help to discover hidden subconscious patterns and provide adequate guidance on how to change them. Success rate: 95%
Premium Program includes 5 additional consultations with our caseworkers and 2 consultations with our co-founder, Michael who has 30+ years of experience in spirit attachment removal. Michael works from a causal level of consciousness and as a result it allows him to know more about the clients than they know themselves.
If you are still unsure which program you should choose or have additional questions, please feel free to CONTACT OUR OFFICE.
Yes, the removal process performed by us is 100% effective. We are able to free a person from any spirits no matter how intense and how many spirits there are. However, you need to be aware that some people attract spirits back after they are led away. That often happens on a subconscious level. Sometimes people’s subconscious minds think that there are advantages of being together with the spirit. It might be a desire to suffer, be a victim, hold grudges etc. A traumatic past can also draw spirits to a person. This is why our spirit removal process could take up to 12 weeks as it could be crucial to address these issues. Statistically, about 95% of clients are free of spirits after our Standard & Premium Program.
Yes, you can. Please note that if you are requesting the removal process for your loved one, without their knowledge, then the outcome is harder to predict. Most find great improvement, but not all of them. Because our caseworkers cannot counsel them directly (which we recommend), the person has less control over the spirits. The success rate of spirit removal in such cases is around 85%.
When spirits are removed, people often describe the feeling as if someone has removed heavy chains from them; they finally feel free. Others describe it as if someone removed heavy baggage from them that they have been carrying for years. They feel lighter, calmer, happier, have more motivation to live, more energy, and clearer thinking. Sometimes even their facial expression changes, they have a new sparkle in their eyes. Symptoms caused by spirit attachment do disappear when a spirit is removed.
Every case is different and it’s impossible to predict when a person will be fully free of spirits. Some people feel immediate relief, for others it is a gradual process. It all depends of when a person will stop attracting spirits back after we led them away. Some people still attract spirits during the first month. A lot depends on how closely a client follows the instructions.
If a person has been suffering for a long time, there is a good chance that full healing may take time. It would be unreasonable to expect that years of suffering could be fixed in one day. The longer the person has suffered from spirit attachment, the longer time they will need to dedicate to work on themselves so that they do not attract spirits back after they have been led away.
We offer a great number of resources to help people with their spirit removal process, but it is their decision whether they will utilize them.
Statistically, about 95% of clients are free of spirits after our Standard & Premium Program. When a spirit is no longer attached the sense of relief is almost instantaneous; symptoms automatically disappear.
The spirit removal process is absolutely painless and safe. In fact, you will feel an increase in energy level and vitality, regain your interest in life, and experience positive emotions once a spirit is removed.
People subconsciously always know that they experience spirit attachment. We also offer check-up services. Please click HERE to learn more about check-up services.
Distant work, aka remote removal, is possible because everything that exists is energy. Our spirit removal process is conducted from a causal level of consciousness. On the causal level of consciousness, there is no time or space. Distant removal is much safer because it prevents spirits from resisting or fighting back. It is also a convenient method for clients because they don’t have to travel to receive the healing.
Although spirits are successfully led away after one session, most spirits still want to return to a person, and that person often subconsciously desires their return as well. If someone has been under the influence of spirits for quite so time, their subconscious mind is used to being in contact with spirits. It could take time to reprogram the subconscious mind, so it no longer desires to be in touch with negative energies. People also need time to work on raising their vibrations so that in the future no spirits will be capable of reaching their energetic field.
Yes, there is a chance that spirits may return after the removal process. However, this is only possible when we give them permission to return. The duration of the spirit removal process is three months. During this period, our clients learn how to protect themselves from spirits re-attaching to them. All clients receive written instructions and receive additional support based on the program they chose.
FYI. We don’t believe that healers can provide anti-ghosts shields, nor do we believe they can guarantee that spirits won’t ever return. For example: if you decide to excessively mourn a loss of a loved one or drink excessively then you put yourself at risk of attracting spirits again to your life. Everyone has a free will and therefore any sort of shields are ineffective.
When a spirit is already attached to our body, it is NOT possible to get rid of it on our own. At that moment, our vibrations are too low, and even access to angels or other enlightened beings are blocked. Only an experienced exorcist or another skilled person can remove spirits from a possessed person.
Absolutely. Please feel free to give us a call during our office hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST or email us. Click HERE for our contact information.