Answering your frequently asked questions

Answering your frequently asked questions

By Wanda Pratnicka 

Many of you have reached out to ask me about my work and my life as an exorcist. So, I have chosen the most frequent questions and answered them here. I believe that the more you know about spirit attachment, the better you can help yourself and others.  


What is the most interesting case of possession you have worked on?


Every case is equally interesting, amazing, awe-inspiring and astonishing at the same time. It’s hard to say which one has been the most interesting – a mute, autistic child having no contact with the environment who, after being cleansed, suddenly changed into a perfectly normal, intelligent being who just couldn’t stop talking? … Or maybe a man who spent years in his room as an agoraphobic, and after spirit removal was so happy to be free, that he became happiest outside? … Or a woman suffering from an inoperable tumor that vanished after a ghost had left her? There are so many amazing stories it is impossible to choose one.


What do people that are being possessed mostly complain about?


The most common reaction to the attempt of possession is a strong headache and stomachache, often coupled with vomiting and diarrhea that wears off as soon as the person gets used to being possessed. People may feel someone’s presence, as if someone iss watching them, touching, talking to them. Others will suddenly feel cold, with chills, being awaken every so often. After the possession takes place however its symptoms are diverse. Most often these are racing thoughts, discouragement, irritation, aggression, mood swings, unceasing fear, panic, sight disorders, temporary or permanent loss of memory, allergies especially to metals, addictions. It is sometimes one of those symptoms or more. Possession causes physical or nervous exhaustion that doesn’t subside even after the longest rest, but also mental or somatic diseases that cannot be cured. We need to stress here, that ghosts are not always the cause of a disease, they sometimes take advantage of a weakness caused by a disease. In extreme cases it is facial features or even the whole build of a possessed person that changes. Such a person can start to smell badly, too.


Which part of your work is the hardest?


I am not emotionally burdened by freeing people from possession. I sympathize with the people asking for help and I perceive all human problems as challenges that when overcome can lead them to a higher level of life, satisfaction, freedom, prosperity etc. Man is a powerful being, he just doesn’t realize it and often feels intimidated by his own power.


Have you ever felt physical or emotional pain while ushering ghosts away from the living?


Yes, I have, in the past. It caused me and the people I was helping to suffer. So, decades ago I knew I needed to find a way to work from afar by tapping into the astral plane of energy. Nowadays, neither myself nor my clients are exposed to any unpleasant feelings or pain. The client merely feels relieved while I counsel ghosts away from them.


Do you ever fear removing ghosts from the living?


A good surgeon needs a sure hand and an exorcist needs to be fearless when facing ghosts. He or she cannot be afraid, or they will easily fall prey to ghosts. They could become possessed themselves.


Why have people denied ghosts for such a long time?


The answer is very simple although only a few people realize it. Before the Inquisition most people knew the truth about ghosts – the souls of the dead – they also knew how to deal with them. Inquisition taught them incorrectly that possessions are the workings of Satan. Those who didn’t agree with this theory were silenced in cruel ways. Some were burnt, others had their bones cracked on the wheel, and others were drowned with a stone tied around their necks. Even the clergy was forbidden to exorcise and all the books on exorcisms were burnt so there was no trace of this knowledge. In spite of danger, a few brave men broke the ban and still helped the possessed ones. It is thanks to those heroes that the true knowledge survived to this day, being passed from mouth to mouth. These were a small handful of people around the world. 


Who is more susceptible to ghosts? Is it a baby, an adult or an older person?


There is no fast rule when it comes to the age of someone most likely to be possessed. Everybody can be possessed no matter his or her age, sex, social status, education level, background or religion.


What is your greatest joy when it comes to your work and what makes you most sad about it?


Joy comes every time someone receives my help. I am not sad though, when people refuse it. I know that means that they are not ready for it yet. Everything that happens to us is a lesson and everybody will learn it sooner or later.




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