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Client Testimonials

Below, you can find testimonials from individuals whom The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center has assisted in freeing from spirit possession. This selection represents only a fraction of the countless cases we've encountered over more than 50 years. We hope these stories resonate with you, showing that your experiences are understood and shared by many, and that numerous individuals, just like you or your loved ones, have navigated similar circumstances.

Freedom from spirits is attainable for anyone, though it sometimes demands considerable effort from the client. We find particular joy in cases that appeared hopeless at first but transformed dramatically for the better, fueled by the client's immense motivation and readiness to enhance their well-being.

In everything we do, we are guided by God. It is through His grace that we can perform our work. Our center's mission is to serve humanity and infuse more light into the lives of people. There is no greater joy than the joy of serving others.


...After the process, I felt that there was a "new" me...

When I first came to The Wanda Pratnicka Center, I had already tried several other options, including healers, medication, church and prayer. I had suffered with these ghosts and spirits around me for several years and they had turned my life into a living nightmare. I had trouble sleeping peacefully, heard "voices" other than my own, and was constantly under attack physically, mentally, and spiritually.

When I first saw the Center's email in my inbox, I almost deleted it but something told me to open it. Looking back on it now, it had to be a gift from God. I started the spiritual removal process with fervor. I completed the readings, the self-searching, and the most
difficult part of having to examine the whole of my life. Through this process, I found out who and where I had not given forgiveness and, just as significant, where I had not given forgiveness to myself.

The bi-weekly consultations help to guide me and reflect even deeper into any anger or resentment I felt for others and for myself. When I was near the end of the 3-month process, I had seen some improvement but not as impactful as I had expected or wanted. I was worried that this wasn't going to work. However, I was asked to do one final examination of any anger and resentment with a focus on myself. I finally uncovered areas where I still blamed myself for events which occurred to me as a child and had finally come into the light. The next day felt a major shift to a more peaceful space in my mind and body.

When I started this process, I had thought that when this happened I would feel my old self again. But, I received a much greater gift. After the process, I felt that there was a "new" me; that is, I did not return to my old self. During the process, I realized that I had to work as hard as the exorcist to make real change and this made all the difference. I'm not sure what this new me will do with this spiritual liberation, but I'm excited to find out.

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...I am grateful beyond words for the help The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center has given my family...

I am grateful beyond words for the help The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center has given my family. Their support has been life-changing for us. It is such a huge relief to feel our lives changing and improving every day, and to see the light in daughter's eyes again is the greatest joy. She is working so hard each day to heal and grow. I am immensely grateful that I found The Pratnicka Center. God bless all of you for the important impact you have in the world.

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...I am feeling so good after having a session with her...

I am feeling so good after having a session with her..Poda Punde

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...My journey and my life have just begun! Thank you for everything....

My process of healing is continuing to such a level that I cry out of joy and relief. I am experiencing love for life like I have never felt before and I no longer have a need for pain or to talk about my past painful experiences. My focus is now on myself and healing and other people who need prayers and conversations about how to get oneself out of being stuck in the past with those negative hurtful experiences and letting go of anger, resentment, fear, sadness and losing hope.

Those spirits are very strong and throughout the process I kept on remembering what Dr. Wanda Pratnicka said in her book "Possessed By Ghosts". Who is going to be stronger, you or the spirits? I made the decision I am the stronger and not the spirits. I am in control of my body and soul through the power God and His love. My journey and my life have just begun! Thank you for everything.

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...I feel that I am just beginning my life and looking at life with new insights and beauty, like seeing life for the first time with clarity...

Before starting with the healing and releasing of the Ghosts/Spirits, I felt stuck and trapped and that other people thought I was crazy and I was not. I prayed the night before to God and Jesus for help as I did every night and the next morning I went onto Google and found Dr. Wanda Pratnicka because I wanted to know why I see human size shadows, orbs, dimensions open in color, hear high vibrational frequencies 27/7 and feel things moving in my bed at night on my feet, a presence following me 27/7 and my skin itching and waking up with purple marks on my arms like someone is grabbing me while I am sleeping, that is just some of things. To my amazement Dr. Wanda Pratnicka's website described everything I have been experiencing exactly so I called and spoke with them and a process was performed to see if there were Ghosts/Spirits attached and there were.

What I have gained since the completion of the cleansing is that I took back control of my body and no longer give permission to those Ghosts/Spirits to be attached to me and that I am no longer stuck in my past from my childhood. The process for me was difficult because parts of me were like dying and I realized that was a good thing because I am no longer that child stuck in my past and I could let go of the pain and tremendous fear that I had been carrying all of my life. I turned to God and love and started reading books about correcting your thoughts and words and coming from a place of love and acceptance. I feel that I am just beginning my life and looking at life with new insights and beauty, like seeing life for the first time with clarity. Love and truth go hand in hand and I am able to be real and let people see who I really am. I am now able to face my fears and be honest and ask for help when I needed it. I feel much more at peace and calmer. I am able to help other people who are stuck and have referred a friend to Dr. Wanda Pratnicka's website who ended up doing the cleansing.

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...I'm feeling great, and a lot less stressed. My vibration feels a lot higher, and I'm not having issues...

Before my treatment I felt very heavy, alone, stressed and scared. I felt secluded from other people more and more, as they would not understand what I was going through, nor would most people believe me.

Now things are going really well here. I'm truly happy for the first time in which seems like forever. I found a full time job close to home, which I'm really enjoying. So now the bills are being taken care of. My problems with my real estate have been taken care of, and I'm not losing my apartment any more.

I'm feeling great, and a lot less stressed. My vibration feels a lot higher, and I'm not having issues.

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... I started to notice that my self esteem was improving and I was feeling less anxious. I began seeing more opportunities for growth that I had overlooked...

When I first started the cleansing process at the Wanda Pratnicka Center, I was very distressed and distraught. I was confused and overpowered by fear and mixed emotions about what was going on in my life. No matter how hard I tried, things did not seem to fall into place. The relationship I had with myself was unhealthy and it affected the relationships I had with others. My finances were suffering. My career outlook looked bleak. I realized that I needed help. I looked at many avenues, but still was in need of what seemed like a significant change.

During the first few weeks, I learned how to work on myself. I started to notice that my self esteem was improving and I was feeling less anxious. I began seeing more opportunities for growth that I had overlooked. My career goals were being reached and there were improvements in my relationships. I felt like a weight was lifted off of me. I began to see myself more positively and love myself more. In turn, I was treated better by those around me.

Overall, the experience made me more conscious of my thoughts and opinions of myself. I felt less of a need to control and more of a feeling that everything is working out in my favor. I started to focus less on the issues of life and developed a feeling of gratitude and optimism that changed my life for the better. I did not need to struggle anymore to advance. Things just started to work out without me having to try too hard. I am very grateful for the experience.

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...Words cannot express my gratitude. Nothing short of a miracle...

It is with sincere appreciation that I am updating you regarding my son. He has shown considerable improvement. I saw him for the first time on Jan 21st since treatment started on Jan 12th. He is sober and is quite normal. He has been angry, aggressive and did not care about the consequences of his actions. He was always under the influence of drugs and or alcohol. He was very abusive to us verbally. He came by today and he is his old, wonderful self again.

Words cannot express my gratitude. Nothing short of a miracle. He does not know about his treatment at your center as I feel it is too soon to reveal this to him. He said that he has not felt this good in over ten years. He feels that his mental clarity has dramatically improved. I am thankful now for the complete clearing of any spirit attachments to him. May God continue to bless this center to carry on this wonderful and much needed work of spirit removal to so many lost souls. Words cannot express enough my gratitude. I am seeing my wonderful son coming back and being successful and happy again. He said that he was so depressed and helpless and he feels so much better now. Hopefully this healing trend will continue, and the negativities may never return. By April 12th, after this miraculous work, I am looking forward to the return of my prodigal son.

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...Thank you for all your help. I am pleased to say he has not gone back to drinking...

I am letting you know the progress of my son after 8 weeks treatment. My son has suffered with alcohol for many years. He stopped drinking in January this year after being detoxed in hospital this is when I got in touch with you for your help.

I am pleased to say he has not gone back to drinking. He seems a lot more positive about his life and is enjoying life. He has started working for an employer which is occupying his days. He seems a lot less stressed and has started seeing his old friends again. He has taken his hobby of fishing back up and has things to look forward to. He was never a person to stay in always had to be out but seems happy to stay in some nights now watching TV and relaxing. He is unaware of the program and help you are giving him. I would still like you to carry on with the next 4 weeks spirit removal with him please. Thank you for all your help helping my son is also changing my life as I worry about him constantly.

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...I felt immediate relief after committing to the process that has changed my life...

Before starting my healing journey, I was scared and desperate for help. I had been struggling for a long time. Doing everything I could to ward away the ghosts that had been attacking me for so long. Nothing seemed to work. My doing only energized the ghosts and made everything more difficult.

I found the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka website and was amazed. Everything that was explained and described fit me to a tee. There was real help for me. All I had to do was follow the instructions. I felt immediate relief after committing to the process that has changed
my life through the instructions given to me. What you put into it, is what you will get out of it. There is tremendous support that is provided for you. I am able to be myself, differentiate between myself and the ghosts, and protect myself from further attacks. I feel happy, grateful, and I have hope and determination to live my life my way, and not through ghosts. I will always continue the practices that were given to me by the Dr.Wanda Pratnicka Center.

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...Now that the process is over I feel much more able to enjoy my life the way I want...

Before the process I was under the impression of being a victim and being hated for everything. I felt hopeless and was afraid of everything thinking someone was out to get me. I was having trouble connecting with other people and I believe this was caused by the spirits. I was also scared of going to hell.

Now that the process is over I feel much more able to enjoy my life the way I want. I feel more positive emotions and I feel more able to be alone. I’m no longer paranoid. I feel more I’m control of my body and my future. I feel closer to God and I am more confident in being able to make a positive impact on the world. I am very thankful for the coordinators for helping me through this challenging time. Before the process I depended on substances to alleviate the duress but now I can be sober, and since my job requires passing drug tests I can “kill two birds with one stone” in the sense of being sober for multiple reasons.

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...majority of my symptoms have vanished and I'm close to being my old self again...

I made the mistake of messing with Tarot cards in the graveyard and suddenly, all kinds of messed up things occurred. Being pushed out of my body, suffering anxiety, depression and extreme mood swings I'd never had before. I hallucinated giant snakes and a shadow man, I was drained constantly, my whole personality seemed to shift as did my talent and abilities. I had always been very social and fun loving, then this voice in my mind would whisper lies and deceptions to turn me against everyone, no one could be trusted, everyone was trying to hurt me. I could barely function. I had terrible nightmares, could hardly sleep, was getting kissed and touched by things that weren't there. I took on irrational fears of mirrors and soon the voice in my had had isolated me, mentally and emotionally abused me, leaving me a shell of myself.

I reached out to the church, witch doctors and healers, no one could help. I turned here as a last resort and they started immediately, I was skeptical at first, but since working with them majority of my symptoms have vanished and I'm close to being my old self again. I highly recommend you come here first, save yourself the time, sanity, money and heartbreak of other people and institutions.

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I'm very grateful for going through this process...

I'm very grateful for going through this process. It's taught me a lot about myself and about life. My counselor was a wonderful lady, I grew to really appreciate. I'm thankful for Michael and everything he did for me. I'm very grateful for Mrs. Pratnicka and her wonderful books that have taught me so very much, they've inspired me and enlightened me and have become an important resource in my continued growth. Thank you all so very much.

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...I feel wonderful...

After 3 months, I feel wonderful, light and so clear. all my life I have been struggling for my health, i feel alive again.

thank you for your help!

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Life is pretty much back to normal and I have my daughter back again...

"I wanted to let you know how happy I am that I found The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center's site for my daughter. I was at my wits end on how to help her and things were getting very serious. I knew if something wasn't done she would end up in some mental institution loaded up on God knows what kinds of medications.

It was a slow process but she showed improvement from the first day. We did have periods of outbreaks which I could feel that whatever had attached to her did not want to go. I did tell her the last month of treatment what I had done and she was fully understanding about it. Life is pretty much back to normal and I have my daughter back again. I want to thank everyone responsible for helping us, I don't know what I would have done without you!"

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Thank you to all of the Wanda Pratnicka Center staff for clearing the 3 attached spirits after my recovery from eye surgery...

Thank you to all of the Wanda Pratnicka Center staff for clearing the 3 attached spirits after my recovery from eye surgery. I was a client here in the past as well, for an issue with my other eye. It was continually inflamed no matter how strong my eye drops were. I was completely healed after that clearing. This time I had 2 surgeries on my other eye but mpw I had lost significant vision. I had contacted The Center after the surgeries and was informed I had 3 attached spirits. My eye had a loss of vision which I had hoped would be cured after the spirits would be removed. But instead, I was gently guided to understand that a person's vision is a combination of the physical eye itself overlaid with feelings of fearfulness in my life, past, present, and future that I did not want to look at. Along with the affirmations to control the spirits I used forgiveness letters to identify and address these fears, including the overall medical care of my eyes. These letters of forgiveness sometimes released tension in my eyes, while other times I felt lighter and liberated. I regained my sense of humor, my voice was more assertive. I noticed positive events occurring to me and generally hopeful about myself overall. Although my vision has not improved presently, I firmly believe it will improve in the future. I have found a new vision on life filled with joy and love.
Again much love and thanks to the Wanda Pratnicka’s staff.

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...Now after the whole cleansing I feel great...

I would like to start by saying before I started the cleansing I felt really bad. I was scratched, smacked, sexually harassed and just all around harassed. But it didn’t all start that bad, it started very gradually, light bed shake paid no mind then it got worse and worse. It got the point that I couldn’t even sleep sometimes for days it led horrible pathways for work and family life. And friends wouldn’t even talk to me either because my attitude was being controlled by the ghost so meaning I would get mad at people very quickly and I couldn’t help it. I also couldn’t eat for a few days at a time and when I did I felt sick to my stomach, as if I wanted to vomit or pass out. But all I have to say is after having this happen to me now I believe before this happened I would say that’s crazy but it is definitely true.

Now after the whole cleansing I feel great. It was a process well worth it. I can now go out with friends family, do my everyday things, go to work. My allergies also have improved after the cleansing as well as my immune system has been a lot better

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...I’m so delighted to be my old self...!

I contacted The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center after years of confusing health issues. I had fatigue, flu-like symptoms, insomnia, and overall I felt foggy headed with a lack of clarity. Years before I had so much energy, I didn’t even need a tea or coffee to get going in the morning. Mornings had been my favorite time of the day. I no longer felt fresh and ready to go in the mornings. After reading many testimonials and watching some videos I found online, I felt I had nothing to lose. I contacted The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center. Their team let me know they would check for spirit attachments. They found some and started immediately.

I read Wanda Pratnicka's books and followed the guidelines. I was stunned that I could tell when I was free of them and when I wasn’t. I would ask them to check when I started to feel fatigued and achy again. They would clear them and remind me to change the way I thought.

Two years has passed and I’m so delighted to be my old self! When I go back to those thoughts, I remind myself of the things they stated and all is well!

I can’t thank The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center enough! Today, I am recommending their services to others who have tried every resource, but remain ‘stuck.’”

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...Removing the ghosts was like letting me out of jail...

For the past forty years I had been plagued by recurring bouts of severe insomnia. These bouts would hit me like a tornado and last for several days to a week or more. During these bouts I felt as though all the life, that is Life Force, was being drained out of me. It would not end until I was almost bed-ridden with exhaustion. Over the next few weeks I would gradually get my strength back. I would feel good for about a week and then it would start all over again. Sometimes it was just a plain nuisance, and other times , when it was particularly bad, I really wanted to commit suicide, as I saw no way out and simply could not stand it any more. As you can imagine, my thinking and emotional states were verging on insanity, which affected myself as well as my family. In a moment of desperation, my wife went on the internet and googled "How to get rid of entities".

I was excited to find The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center and was impressed by her and the center's experience and credentials. I was thrilled to have contact with someone who I believed knew what was going on. Since receiving the clearing and reading Wanda's book and doing the exercises, my life has changed. Removing the ghosts was like letting me out of jail . I was free at last, and also a little disoriented, as I now was free of the ghost's thoughts and emotions as well. I started to find out who I was and what thoughts and emotions were my own. I can sleep normally now and am not plagued by unwanted intruders in my life. I now have control over my life and continue to release the need to be victimized by any one or any thing. I highly recommend reading Wanda's books and taking the 12 week clearing course. It is imperative for us all to live the life we were meant to live, unencumbered by unwanted ghosts, and to understand what death as well as Life is all about.

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...The severe headache firstly started to fade and soon I felt my body lighter and lighter and my mood also turned out to be delightful...

I really appreciate the cleaning process the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center has done for me. Before the whole checkup and cleaning process, I felt severe migraine and body aches caused by a ghost, I could sense its presence, I noticed something was watching me. And along with health problems, a lot of bizarre happenings at home such as uncommon noises and pet barking etc. All these can gradually wear anyone down. But fortunately I contacted the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center and started the cleaning process, the severe headache firstly started to fade and soon I felt my body lighter and lighter and my mood also turned out to be delightful. After one month, along with the subconscious reprogramming, I overcame all the negative outcomes caused by the ghost and became a positive person whom I have never known I could become. I am really grateful for this cleaning process and I highly recommend it to people who are currently suffering from ghost haunting. Thank you again.

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...Within the first three weeks I saw such a big change and now that the process is complete I feel so much lighter. Thank you for helping get my life back!

I cannot thank The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center enough for the peace they have brought me and my family. I worked with many healers, but I wasn't having success with my local healers at removing my attached spirits. Thankfully I found The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center online. When their work began I was in and out of a psychiatric hospital and was in a very dark place. I would lose myself and would feel my soul leave my body at times when it was bad. Within the first three weeks I saw such a big change and now that the process is complete I feel so much lighter. I haven't had any manic or psychotic episodes, my physical health is better, I am more positive, and I now know how to keep myself protected. Thank you for helping get my life back!

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...After his clearing he is a changed person. He is kind, considerate, level headed and helpful...

I am very grateful for The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center's help with my son. He has suffered since he was a newborn, he was placed in an induced coma just after birth which I feel may have been the time his body became a host for an entity. He had terrible reflux, violent projectile vomiting and diarrhea until he was 2. He would be in pain and scream constantly from the reflux. When it became less he was fearful and had wild mood swings and would say strange things to us like we weren’t his family. Or he didn’t feel like he belonged. He had night terrors and would sometimes sleep walk and talk and yell in his sleep with his eyes open, or he would wake in the night saying someone called his name or pulled the sheets on his bed. I would see the real him and he would be sweet and lovely, then change on a dime, I knew something was not right. He was also covered in eczema that would flare up occasionally. After his clearing he is a changed person. He is kind considerate, level headed and helpful. He doesn’t not have eczema anymore, and he even says himself that he feels happier and has more energy. I am so grateful that I found someone who believed me when I told them I thought he had an attachment. I can not thank The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center enough for their help and would tell others if they are suffering to use their skills and read Wanda's books.

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...This has been a beautiful process...Live with peace, love and in touch with our true nature...

I was going through deep inner turmoil. Old held up anger towards my family, and it was affecting my everyday life. My therapist recommended me to reach out to Wanda for support with spirit removal. This has been a beautiful process of forgiveness, acceptance, and peace. I still read Wanda's books, and her instructions. This is timeless. Live with peace, love and in touch with our true nature.

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...I was so fortunate to bump into the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center website, as I was desperately looking to find another healer/cleaner who would perhaps be more effective in solving my problem...

A couple of years ago I noticed some activity on my left leg, predominantly around the knee and lower leg area. Periodically, this would also happen at the same or similar time on my right leg as well. It was not unpleasant, more of a pins and needles type of cloud that would hover (though I could not see it but I could feel it) over my leg that would move about. What caused it I did not know. At this same time I was noticing nightly sexual activity occurring around my pelvic and genital area. It was quickly to become annoying as it was keeping me awake, more and more throughout the evening and into the early morning hours. I never knew what was causing it or how to stop it. Late in 2019 I did approach two separate clearing/healers and they would assure me it had been removed but it would always return the same night and the activity would continue unabated. It's interesting - one of the clearing healer's also mentioned to me they had been having an unusually high number of similar complaints being brought to them.

As time marched forward it became more and more active, sometimes happening now during the daytime - but always at night/early morning hours. And, sometimes it was almost as if there was a line up as one session would begin and then stop, and another would begin and then stop and another would begin and then stop. One night I counted upwards of eight sessions. Most nights would normally be two to three. My worst night was perhaps one hour of sleep.

I was so fortunate to bump into the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center website, as I was desperately looking to find another healer/cleaner who would perhaps be more effective in solving my problem. The situation, I am pleased to say, is now under control and I have the tools necessary to keep these spirits at bay. I recently read Dr. Pratnicka's book 'Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms in the 21st Century' (Available from Amazon or the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka website) and this book was so informative and helped me to understand what is going on. In particular, I would refer you to page 98 if you are suffering from the same problem I have been suffering from. With this information I have been able to take control over my life back and remove these Ghosts who are responsible for my problem. And, I also understand what it is that has been happening and why. I would recommend you buy and read this book carefully to really appreciate what is going on as you most likely have other issues you may not aware of!

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Dear Wanda's office. It's been a while since we were last in communication with one another however I have good news. Ever since I discovered the demonic presence that's been hosting my body for quite some time I've come so very close to the peace I've been in search of all my life. These last couple of months have been vigorous and true test of my will and soul however I truly believe everything is going to be okay. The door of freedom is opening up and i believe I have taken the necessary steps to walk through it. Soon I will make the world a better place and you guys have had a huge part in my transformation. I wanted to say thanks and keep doing things for the better.

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...My life has changed! The quality of my thinking has improved significantly, my dependence on medication reduced substantially, my faith in life is restored...

I would like everyone who is going through untold trauma and pain to believe there are things that cannot be explained or seen by normal human beings. I was experiencing tragedy after tragedy. My relationships suffered, my heath was compromised, my digestive system and my ability to think clearly was a big challenge. When I received word from The Dr. Pratnicka Center about there being spirit attachment, my first thought was disbelief. I still went ahead with the removal process because my family insisted.

Within 4 days my symptoms began to clear. Bad things stopped happening, arguments stopped, I did get angry a few times but I was in control of the situation. The quality of my thinking has improved significantly, my dependence on medication reduced substantially, my faith in life is restored. I am very grateful to The Dr. Pratnicka Center and her wonderful team of assistants for bringing joy and peace into my life. Dr. Pratnicka's book helped me understand so many things so clearly. My life has changed! And very few people have this remarkable ability to heal and encourage independence. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to neutralize their karma and move upward and forward.

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...Before the process started I suffered from anxiety and regularly had mood swings... I would like to say a big thank you to The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center and Karina for helping me on my journey...

Before the process started I suffered from anxiety and regularly had mood swings. I had periods of severe OCD which would they suddenly disappear. Business is my life was going all wrong and I seemed to have no luck anywhere. When I began the removal process I definitely believed in the paranormal and that there was something paranormal hindering me since I moved into my new house, nonetheless was skeptical about the power of forgiveness and releasing negative emotions through writing. It took me a while to get down to writing solid letters of forgiveness and releasing my anger through writing but since I have it has definitely positively impacted my life. I feel 2020 so far has been much more positive and my mindset seems to be a lot clearer. I definitely believe what The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center has done has worked and I need to continue my habit of writing on a regular basis. My only hitch was drinking alcohol with my friends but within the last month I have almost stopped that. I would like to say a big thank you to The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center and Karina for helping me on my journey, and I will be back in the future for more help and guidance for sure, especially if I need a future cleansing in the future. I would definitely recommend.

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...My son is himself again and happy...

My son began the spirit removal process convinced he was not possessed while his behavior had completely changed. He was quoting books he’d never even read to justify some very disturbing opinions. During the process he began to understand he was being influenced.

The possessing spirit was difficult and did not want to leave. The Dr. Pratnicka Center was able to identify the spirit as my son’s alcoholic, abusive grandparent. My son is himself again and happy. We are grateful to The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center for assisting us in this process. It was a trying time for our family and The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center walked us through the process.

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...My panic attacks became less frequent... Little by little I have felt my life come back to me and I am slowly becoming myself again

Before I started the Spirit Removal Process, my life was a mess. I would have panic attacks almost everyday, I would always think about death, and I was scared of being alone and of sleeping alone. I would always feel horrible thoughts racing through my mind and I could never think clear. At night I would have horrible nightmares and I would feel the weight of someone on top on my body and it felt like I couldn't move or speak. I was scared of living and being myself and I worried that I would never be able to enjoy my life the way I once did. Thinking this way about life only made me very sad and depressed and I would spend a lot of my days just crying and being unhappy.

When I started the spirit removal process, at first I did not feel very different. Then little by little I could feel that the same things would not make me scared anymore. If I got a bad thought I was able to think that it would go away and it would. My panic attacks became less frequent, although sometimes I do get little ones. Also after 8 months of having to sleep with my mom I have finally been able to sleep by myself again. I am also able to be by myself for short periods of time and I am working on being able to be by myself for longer periods of time. I feel like I can now go out and have a good time with family and friends because before I would not like to go out and I felt like I needed to stay close to my mom all the time. I am little by little learning to trust that I am okay and that I am in control of my body again. Little by little I have felt my life come back to me and I am slowly becoming myself again, although stronger and with more faith. Thank you.

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... I feel lighter like I am able to move forward with my life. I know it was what they did that made the difference...

I reached out to The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center as I was experiencing some very disturbing dreams, a lot of rage and depression and a terrible smell from under one arm that would not go away no matter how much I washed.

As with most people who probably contact The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, it was my last resort attempt to help myself. I was in despair, I was trying very hard to keep my vibration high, I meditated and prayed and practiced endless personal development.

I was getting nowhere. After a month of leaving my dilemma in the hands of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center the smell disappeared and the disturbing dreams stopped, the smell returned twice after that and has now been gone for at least a month. I feel lighter like I am able to move forward with my life. I know it was what they did that made the difference, I had gotten to the end of my knowledge (and money) in how to heal myself and they did it!

I feel like perhaps the spirits who had interfered in my life had been there a long time, I made so many rash, stupid and illogical decisions in my life that I always reflected on and thought why the heck did I just do that??

I am ready to move forward with freedom and I deeply thank The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center with all of my heart for what they do. I would recommend every person who struggles and can’t find answers to have them talk your hitch hiker spirits into leaving!

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...Now after two months of cleansing I'm feeling much better, happier and less anxious...

How I felt before the cleansing process: Very high depression, high anxiety, OCD, feeling drained and tired, insomnia. Addictions such as heavy drug use, food, sex and gambling. Mood swings, anger, negativity, confusion, impatience, changing of partners, frequent abdominal pains and headaches, chronic fatigue/lack of energy, negative emotional outbursts, powerful negative emotions, states of anxiety/panic, personality disorders, alienation, suicidal thoughts, overweight, severe allergies and urges to do things outside the law. Started smoking again and taking drugs when I would go out. Feelings of anger, short tempered and irritated at times. I didn't feel like myself at all didn't feel comfortable in my own body. Had trouble sleeping and falling asleep all the time.

Now after two months of cleansing I'm feeling much better, happier and less anxious. I've stopped smoking cigarettes, taking drugs and going out. I'm feeling more settled and less irritated. Sleeping a little bit better as well. Still have nightmares at times. I feel like I have my life back again which is fantastic!! Life is colorful again! Not just black and white.

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...I feel more optimistic and less burdened...Being free from ghosts is hugely helpful.

Thank you for my clearance. Before the clearance, I wrestled with anger at God for all the terrible evil and suffering which fills the world. Since your clearance of me, if I feel any anger, I can usually stop it in a minute using your affirmations and it occurs less. I also feel more optimistic and less burdened, generally.

Am I, now, a happy and carefree person who always trusts God? Almost. Being free from ghosts is hugely helpful. Thank you again.

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...This is an amazing improvement as compared to before...

I wish to testify that as of today 2nd February 2020 the spiritual problem (issue) you initially detected might have been resolved. The voice(s) and nightmares and sentimental conflict problems in me have dropped into a severity level of below or equal to 25-35%. This is an amazing improvement as compared to before. Blessed be! What I feel as presence now is fewer noise vibrations, less sentimental confusion and missteps. Also, I have your book right next to me. It has a very nice and literature tone, I enjoy reading it. Thank you.

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...I have felt more calm in my soul and peace of mind in my body than I have felt in a very long time. Thank you very much for all of the help, this is a truly amazing program...

I would say that before the entire process I have been through a long and extensive, mental and physical energy depletion; along with a long series of maniac depressive states, huge spikes of emotional torture, and infinite amounts of stress on and off for 6 years.

Trying everything has not proven entirely successful until reading the book offered by Wanda Pratnicka and her team and going through the cleansing process. I would also say that this program is extremely worth it to anybody and everybody on this Earth, whether ailment or not. Through 2 months of the process it has been quite the experience, serious and intense, but also rewarding and lifting. They say that it will feel as if chains have been lifted, and they are right: Incredible. Some symptoms have offered to return here and there as I believe they would after such a long time of being worn down before the process. However, I fully believe they will also diminish as everything else has through the cleansing as in time all things heal.

Forgiveness is extremely important as they will tell you, so be sure to follow all instructions as much as possible even through the thicket. I will gladly recommend this to everyone as it has helped me immensely and I cannot express how much I believe it can help anyone who struggles or doesn’t. The book was rough at times to get through, but is so interesting it was hard to stop reading. Even if you don’t go through the process the book is definitely worth a read. The biggest feeling that has come directly from the cleansing is peace of mind.

I have felt more calm in my soul and peace of mind in my body than I have felt in a very long time. Thank you very much for all of the help, this is a truly amazing program. It has helped so much to finally understand things when they are written down to read and understand. Again, I highly recommend this to any and all people... whether it’s just a check in or the whole program. Thank you again.

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... My eye recovered -- no more swelling!!

I had 4 eye surgeries in 2018 but they never completely healed due to recurrent edemas. That is why I contacted The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center. I did not know what to expect or that a certain process was needed that I do during the removal process. After writing many forgiveness letters and releasing my many guilt as well as having spirits removed from my surroundings my eye recovered-- no more swelling!! The doctor said my eye looked fabulous.

It was the numerous letters of forgiveness also that gave me a boost of energy, clear thinking, constant smiling and the directing me on the pathway to understanding and creating love. I am learning that spirits can return (which I don't want to happen again) by not changing my thinking, by stopping forgiveness, not feeling gratitude, nor love. And that is repeated many times in In the Wheel of Life, Vol II.

Therefore, the most important part I learned is not only to be physically healthier but to prepare me to be ready to go to the light right away after my death. Which I continue to do.

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...I am no longer congested and can breathe easily! I even see clearer. My stomach issues are gone and my confidence has soared! I have a new lease on life...

I grew up in a house that was haunted and while I knew ghosts existed I did not believe ghosts could possess people. I thought that the way I felt was normal for me and I ignored those odd thoughts that would just pop into my mind and didn’t seem like mine.

I was tired frequently, congested constantly and suffered from ulcerative colitis. And believe me I ate healthy and exercised. That was then.

After being cleansed of ghosts and working on forgiveness I feel full of energy! I am no longer congested and can breathe easily! I even see clearer. My stomach issues are gone and my confidence has soared! I have a new lease on life!

It’s so hard to imagine that something you didn't believe in can hurt you. Please believe that it can and does happen. I am grateful for The Dr.Wanda Pratnicka Center for changing my life for the better. It is wonderful that they have taken a stand and share their unique ability with the world. I have had to pinch my pennies throughout my life but let me tell you this investment is priceless.

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...The Dr.Wanda Pratnicka Center has successfully removed the ghost of my aunt from me and taught me how to forgive others that have hurt me and have self-forgiveness...

Last year I was having traumatic experiences with telepathic voices and psychic attacks on my physical body. It all started with a spell I had someone cast on a man I wanted that backfired into pure living hell for me. I went to many different people until I found The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center and they changed my life.

I read two of Wanda Pratnicka books ‘’Possessed by Ghosts.’’ and ‘’The Wheel of Life.’’ Volume II. Both are great books with some astounding information and incredible accounts of Wanda’s expertise at Exorcism.

I have never been certain for sure what’s been happening in my life. I know something or someone has always been working against me, blocking me from accomplishing anything. I finally discovered from The Dr.Wanda Pratnicka Center that it was the ghost of my aunt attached to me since I was in my early 30s. A Shaman told me that I had my aunt attached to me years ago but I thought he had removed her from me. I guess he didn't. And so I learned from The Dr.Wanda Pratnicka Center that I should quit drinking alcohol because that attracts spirits. I remember from my younger drinking days, looking at a bottle of whiskey and on the back of the bottle it said “It’s the Spirits That Count.’’ Ha ha that’s for sure. Spirits are attracted to alcohol.

For me, socializing in a bar is even something that I cannot do any longer. So I have been scared into sobriety. If alcohol attracts ghosts, I don’t need it or want it any longer...
The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center has successfully removed the ghost of my aunt from me and taught me how to forgive others that have hurt me and have self-forgiveness. I am still in the final stages of healing from all this but I certainly feel better.

I would recommend to anyone who is ill with a disease or suffering from psychic attacks or just general problems to contact The Dr.Wanda Pratnicka Center, they can help you.

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...My son states that he has never felt this good in his life; he can think clearly and feels confident and happy...

My younger son has always been perceptive. Unbeknownst to me until recently, I found out that my older son had bought a book at a garage sale in 2000 and both he and my younger son tried to conjure up spirits to deal with the kids that who were bullying him at school. At the time, my younger son was 8 years old.

I believe that my younger son actually contacted a spirit. Over the years this spirit grew stronger until in 2012, my son started to have symptoms of OCD and depression. Around this time, he started to lose or misplace items such as his wallet, passport, and credit cards. Whenever he would visit, items would go missing from our house. I laughingly said, “I think you have poltergeist attached to you.”

His mental health slowly became worse over the years and culminated in a major OCD depression episode in September 2018. In November 2018, I found his wallet on my bathroom counter that had been missing for 3 years. Over the years, he tried therapy, medication and brain stimulation all to no avail. In late 2018, his condition had declined to the point that I feared he would hurt himself.

In desperation, I contacted The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center asking if my son had an entity attached to him. They stated that “yes” he had a very strong ghost attached. I hired them to start the process of removing the ghost. It took 12 weeks, and at the end of January 2019 my son started to get better. Now, in April of 2019, he states that he has never felt this good in his life; he can think clearly and feels confident and happy. He was recently admitted to a prestigious MBA program with fellowship money. His symptoms are gone and he has a girlfriend. He was skeptical when The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center began the exorcism, but he is now a believer. He hasn’t lost any items recently and his turn around is truly miraculous!

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…I'm sending you all the gratitude I have in my heart for what you have done for me. If it hadn't been for you, my life would be in ruins…

To begin with let me thank you for the help I've received from you. Even as a small boy I was possessed by the ghost of my tragically deceased father. His ghost was joined by other ghosts, too. Since from my earliest years I had contact with ghosts, living in both worlds - the physical and the immaterial - became normal for my subconscious and at the same time a great, unrecognized problem. The last twelve years of my life have been spent searching for a way of leading myself out of the dead end which I hadn't the slightest clue about. I suffered a lot since things were happening in my life which I didn't want at all but which were the creation of the ghosts residing within me. I was deprived of energy, enthusiasm, desire to live, and the projects I started all failed to get off the ground. I fought with windmills since I accepted that the source of my problems was my own mental state. But my chief problem was to do with ghosts. I understood that only through contact with you, through your remarks which led me to expand my awareness of the world of ghosts. I know that without you I wouldn't have been able to comprehend my situation. That's why I'm sending you all the gratitude I have in my heart for what you have done for me. If it hadn't been for you my life would be in ruins and I would probably be lying under them not knowing how to find a way out of that situation. I also thank God that He agreed to let you come to this world in order to help others.

Regarding your book Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century - I consider it to be the only work in today's world-wide esoteric literature that talks in an all-embracing way about the subject known as exorcism. Since I know German and English fluently I read esoteric literature in those languages, too. Hitherto I haven't come across a work that is even remotely comparable to yours. You are absolutely the only one of your kind, and added to that you are a Pole. What good fortune and distinction has fallen on our nation! I suspect that you are met with a lack of gratitude for the work you do for thousands of people who turn to you. I hope that my letter will ensure that you will see even a small drop of that gratitude. What you are doing for others is absolutely invaluable and what you have written in your book can change the life of a beggar and a victim into the life of a king and master of his own world. I express the hope that the largest number of people possible will fully accept your assignment which will allow them to liberate themselves from the slavery of ghosts and their limitations.

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…My son is back to his sweet loving ways. Today, I just want thank you and your team for helping my son to get back to life. He is so loving and cooperative…

I have contact you with regards to my son’s hostile, Crazy and un-controllable behavior.  I was hesitant at first, but i followed my guts and took the chance. I said hesitant because I have been going through this problem from 2011 and everyone I contacted told me they could help.  And all that happened was that they took all my money and no result.

I’m writing you this email to report victory.  My son is back to his sweet loving ways.  My son looks like a million dollars comparing to the looks that he had when I contacted you.   When one looked at my son you could see that he was a total stranger.  He didn’t look, talk, act is resembling the son I gave birth to, all he had was the name.  We went through torment and misery.  No one wants to be around him.  I couldn’t visit his apartment; I couldn’t talk to him.  He would just do the craziest things that could land him into trouble.  And he was so disrespectful.

It didn’t took me long to know that this was a spell cast on him.  But to find the right person to remove it was very difficult.  Today I just want thank you and your team for helping my son to get back to life. He is so loving and cooperative.  He told me he knew all what was happening but he just couldn’t stop doing the wrong things. He said he was helpless. He said it was like scene of confusion going on in his head. Different voices telling him to do different things at the same time. Thank God he has been delivered.  Now he goes to church every Sunday which was his roots before he was attacked by these evil spirits.

I know my son is a work in progress and I know with each day he is going to be better than the day before. I’m just trusting God that he will stay this way. And am trusting God that those heartless people will leave him alone. Dr. Wanda words can’t express how grateful I am to you and your staff. God bless you all. And am asking one more favor from you.  Pray that he will get a job and keep it.

Again Thanks to you and your team for a battle well fought.

God Bless You all.

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…After the removal of ghosts my mind is very quiet even without meditating. I smile very big and have a spark in my eyes that was not there before…

Before the removal of ghosts, I had to restrain myself from getting angry over small things, and would get upset a couple of times a month over nothing. This took a lot of effort. Also there was a current of nervousness running through me at all times and anxiety over my heart. I also felt an intensity in me even while slicing an apple. It felt like something in me wanted to be going as fast as possible in everything I did. I had to really try to take it easy whatever I was doing. I had a hard time quieting my mind in mediation when previously it was quite easy. I would sit in meditation for 2 to 3 hours to get my mind quiet and I couldn’t understand why it took so long. 

After the removal of ghosts my mind is very quiet even without meditating. I smile very big and have a spark in my eyes that was not there before. My face actually looks different. Little things do not upset anymore either. I’ve realized that I do not have a bad temper as I had thought all my life. What a relief! It is wonderful to see what the ghosts influence over my behavior was and what is actually me now that they are gone. I still have a lot of work to do, but I am free of behaviors that I had difficulty with most of my life. Thank you The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center!

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…For people tormented and mentally destroyed over many years, your book is quite simply SALVATION…

I promised to express my opinion about the book Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century. In my view this book is like a DIAMOND of clearest water, worth any money. For people tormented and mentally destroyed over many years, not understanding what is happening to them, not seeing a way out of this mental dead-end, not knowing where to seek help, this book is quite simply SALVATION. The old truism says that hope is the last to die, that the killing of hope is mental death. This book gives what is the most important thing for every thinking organism - it gives HOPE. We start to understand what's happening to us, to see a way out, to know where to seek rescue, we start to recover to a NEW LIFE, full of HOPE for mental healing and a better tomorrow.

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…Everyone should read your book Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the 21st Century, it should be in every home just like a prayer book or a Bible…

I start my letter by sending best wishes to you and the whole of your family.

The first time I read your book Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century in one go, I devoured its contents. Now I am taking bites out of it - wherever the book happens to fall open at any given moment. There are moments when I want to shout that this book was written about me. Mrs. Pratnicka, your book is a TEXTBOOK for all tormented people persecuted by ghosts - it is a manual of spiritual health. Everyone should read it; it should be in every home just like a prayer book or a Bible. If knowledge about ghosts were taught to children, e.g. in schools during lessons of religion, and the ghost, though invisible, recognized as a constant element of earthly life, then very likely the number of unhappy people not to mention sick, and not just mentally ill, people would decrease radically. 

I am aware of the existence of ghosts - I have experienced it - but my knowledge of the subject was none. Maybe I've expressed myself badly: I possessed the knowledge we are fed by the media, presented in a coating of sensationalism, wrapped in horror, magic and secrecy. This approach to paranormal phenomena, instead of informing and reassuring me, caused me to feel like a woman stigmatized, I was close to madness, helpless. You transmitted your knowledge to me in an accessible, transparent and logical way. Now I have a different attitude to the phenomena I've experienced from a ghost whom I did not even know in its lifetime (...).I start my letter by sending best wishes to you and the whole of your family.
The first time I read your book Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century in one go, I devoured its contents. Now I am taking bites out of it - wherever the book happens to fall open at any given moment. There are moments when I want to shout that this book was written about me. Mrs. Pratnicka, your book is a TEXTBOOK for all tormented people persecuted by ghosts - it is a manual of spiritual health. Everyone should read it; it should be in every home just like a prayer book or a Bible. If knowledge about ghosts were taught to children, e.g. in schools during lessons of religion, and the ghost, though invisible, recognized as a constant element of earthly life, then very likely the number of unhappy people not to mention sick, and not just mentally ill, people would decrease radically. 
I am aware of the existence of ghosts - I have experienced it - but my knowledge of the subject was none. Maybe I've expressed myself badly: I possessed the knowledge we are fed by the media, presented in a coating of sensationalism, wrapped in horror, magic and secrecy. This approach to paranormal phenomena, instead of informing and reassuring me, caused me to feel like a woman stigmatized, I was close to madness, helpless. You transmitted your knowledge to me in an accessible, transparent and logical way. Now I have a different attitude to the phenomena I've experienced. I have even started to feel sympathy for those lost souls. I would never want to find myself in their situation after my death. 
By reading your book (because I keep going back to it) I have become calmer; it's true that I still wake at night but without that panic-stricken, helpless, body- and mind-paralyzing fear. I have lived through hell on earth - I won't describe the dreams full or horror (graves, skeletons, hooded figures etc.), nor the sleeping in a lighted room, in my sweat-shirt, gloves and socks to avoid injury. It's true that I still haven't become completely cleansed because after my conversation with Mike find myself scratched again. Here I would like to thank Mike with whom I have telephone conversations that bolster my mental state. I hope that I am now closer to rather than further from liberation from the ghost who, according to my calculations, has accompanied me for more than fifteen years, and the intensity of its activities and attempts to enter my body date from three years ago. 
Mrs. Pratnicka, I could write a book about my sufferings, the nightmares I have experienced from a ghost whom I did not even know in its lifetime (...).

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…From the moment you took my husband into your care - he has changed radically. He has never felt as good as he does now.…

I send you my most heartfelt wishes and thank you for the help you gave my husband. About two years ago I asked you to save my husband who had been taking psychoactive medicines. All those years the doctors were helpless. I am grateful to you for what you have done for our family. My husband has become a totally different person. He is calm, friendly, he doesn't blame the world for everything that happens to him. And yet till quite recently he was terrible. I haven't lived with my husband for more than a year now, but I notice these changes in him whenever we meet. For over a month now my husband has been dropping "warm" letters to me and to our son. There are often sweets attached to the letters. This is a real surprise because it is so unlike him. My husband always used to be preoccupied, deep in depressions, his eyes were wild and his face was stony. He never beat me, but there was something there that terrified me, and I felt that I was in some kind of danger. From the moment you took my husband into your care - he has changed radically. (...)

My husband told me that he has a desire for life and he has never felt as good as he does now. He is cheerful, he knows how to laugh. For that I thank you very, very much indeed. (...)

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…There are no noises in my home anymore…

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help. You are magnificent. There are no noises in my home anymore, my son has changed, my granddaughter is cheerful and has an optimistic attitude to the world. (...) Once again, many, many thanks for everything.

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…My daughter has changed greatly: she has grown calmer, gentler…

Thank you for your informative letter. (...) I want to tell you about a decisive change in the life of our daughter. She has met a man with whom she is very much in love - indeed they are expecting a baby. My daughter has changed greatly: she has grown calmer, gentler, she is kind to my granddaughter, takes her everywhere, called her every day when she was staying here with us for a few days. Maybe those demons you wrote about really have left her, because it often seemed to me that there were demons "sitting" inside her. (...)

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…Thank you with all my heart for the miraculous healing of my daughter…

Thank you with all my heart for the miraculous healing of my daughter, her son, and my son-in-law - probably the most afflicted by bad ghosts. With your knowledge and power you have changed what was hitherto a hell into a normal life. That's why I am now turning to you for help for my husband. (...)

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…It's simply incredible that at such a distance, without seeing the person, simply from the data provided (name and date of birth) one can help another person so much…

I am sending my heartfelt thanks for the help you have given me. Thanks to your kindness and good will I have found health. I was forever sad, very anxious, and there was a bad attitude to the world inside me - everything was so negative.
My house was just as my family's home had been - cold, gloomy, full of shouting and arguments. Even when there were visitors the guests would grow nervous, even when I tried to lay a generous table. In 1983 I started to be ill, the doctors unequivocally stated that there was mental illness involved. Sleepless nights, nightmares, tension all over my body but most especially my head - everything hurt. I looked everywhere for help - herbalists, bio-energy therapists, my home was re-furnished because it was found that I was sleeping where water courses crossed - all in vain. This year (1999), in the month of July I read an article in the magazine "Wrozka" ("Fortune-Teller") about Mrs. Wanda Pratnicka. There was a photograph there of Mrs. Pratnicka. I noticed warmth and kindness emanating from this photo. I decided to make contact, and help came almost instantly. I started to sleep, I stopped hurting everywhere, my eyes became normal. I see this beautiful world and the normal people in it. The people who used to come up to me to see a real mad woman walking in the street (the doctors' diagnosis was that I should be placed in a closed institution) look at me in amazement. Everyone says "Good morning" and they're always the first to smile at me, walk up to me, talk to me. Ferns have started to grow in my house, which never happened before - they either withered or didn't grow. It all started when my 5-month old grandson didn't like being in our house. He squealed a lot, my son and his wife had to take him away from the house. As soon as they went out of the door, the child would calm down. Nor could I go to their house because my grandson would react in the same way: he looked at me very anxiously and squealed. Tears would pour down this tiny baby's face. I understood then that these were some unclean powers at work here. Thanks to Providence I came across Mrs. Wanda Pratnicka. It's simply incredible that at such a distance, without seeing the person, simply from the numbers provided one can help another person so much. Yes, yes, but this miracle has happened, I am a normal human being, my children are calm, we can be with each other. I regret greatly that it's happened so late. Certainly if it had happened earlier then my two sons would have felt a mother's warmth and taken something out of that home. What will stay in their memories will be screams, curses, arguments; what was happening to me and my home cannot be described on a sheet of paper. It's a great pity that more people don't know what an exorcist means. There would surely be less of this evil in the world. I say goodbye to you; the words thank you are simply not enough for the help you have given me, but I don't know any others.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you very, very much.

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…You have rescued this person and her whole family from hell…

(...) The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, you have rescued this person and her whole family from hell. For the work you put in to cleanse us we are deeply grateful. That's why we strongly beg you to continue cleansing people who need your help. It is only thanks to you that they try to keep their families together.

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…I can now think freely and meditate…the fear has gone - that panicky terror…

I wish to thank you warmly for the care and work put in to cleansing me and my children. It is a wonderful feeling to have open space around me. It means that I am changing. I think that shortly the reality around me will also change. I can now think freely and meditate, I can change as much as I have been given the chance to by my fate. I have finished with my role of victim and martyr. Some tiny echoes of it still reach me but they don't hurt any more. I was able to get there thanks to your cleansing. My daughter has started to study and has become a very likable little girl. For the first time in her life she has made contact with her peers and has friends. This makes me so happy because she has started to live the life she should be living at her age. (...)

What is most important is that I can act, the fear has gone - that panicky terror and now I know that everything will go well. When what I really want in my life happens (...) I will let you know, because it will be your achievement, too.
Once again, thank you very much. I send you many warm wishes.

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…My amazement was boundless when, after a few weeks, my son changed completely - the attacks passed, he calmed down…

For many years I have been taking my son for treatment to psychologists, then psychiatrists, including a stay of several weeks for observation in a hospital for neurological diseases. His symptoms included attacks during which he destroyed everything in the home, he shouted, swore, and after a time the attacks were directed against me as his mother. During them he would try to suffocate me (particularly when I was asleep) or wound me with a sharp instrument; he also poured boiling water, and punched me wearing a queer expression on his face. After the attacks he apologized and cried. He stopped going to school and put on a lot of weight, eating constantly anything he came across. He changed into a completely different person. The doctors gave various diagnoses, applied various medicines, but nothing helped. The attacks grew worse and worse and were directed chiefly against me. Finally, the doctors said they could find no illness but they gave him a disability pension. When I could see no rescue and when I was completely exhausted (I had to keep watch at night so he wouldn't attack me) I found out about you. I confess that I didn't believe in what you were doing since I couldn't fathom how you could cleanse remotely. Yet I resolved to write since there was nothing left for me to do! (...) You took care of my son. My amazement was boundless when, after a few weeks, he changed completely - the attacks passed, he calmed down, he started going to evening school. He has become concerned and protective towards me. (...)

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…Thanks to you, my son has started to study, has graduated high school and currently started college. He has no thoughts of death, takes no medication…

I want to take this opportunity to thank you with all my heart for freeing us from the ghosts which were with us since 1996. You have helped my son and me. My son was visited by his grandmother and other unknown ghosts.

Of course, we were not aware of this. I could see that something bad was happening to my son, he felt poorly mentally and physically. I could see that his eyes had changed, it was like they were misty. My son couldn't study, couldn't concentrate, he constantly felt tired and looked unwell. He even went to the doctor to have tests - the medical examination revealed nothing, but things got worse. My son started to ask me if he was going to die. (...)

That was how I came to be taken under your wing. Thanks to you my son has recovered his equilibrium, has started to study, has graduated high school and he's currently started college, he has no thoughts of death, no medication. He's now looking for work. (...) I am glad that it's all behind us now. The words thank you are too little to express my gratitude for cleansing us.

I wish you much Health, Fortune, Success and a Happy New Year.

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…I also “tangibly” experienced The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center's help in the shape of a very large dose of positive energy, which they sent me at a time I needed it…

I wanted to thank The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center first and foremost for helping (...) to lead to the other world the large number of ghosts which were around me (a few times there were about 30). They are also an example to me of someone who is, in my case (...) like an "Earthly Guide". They have helped to lead me in a direction (...) which I consider to be the only rightful one and which is the general concept of LOVE.

I came into contact with matters concerning life beyond the grave in a manner I'd describe as "sudden". Being "possessed" I was directed to it by the world of ghosts (I am something of a medium). Wanda conferred upon me part of her enormous Love for the world of ghosts and tolerance for their behavior which is caused chiefly by the situation they find themselves in, being as if suspended between two dimensions. Wanda also shared with me a method for coexisting with ghosts. I also experienced "tangibly" Wanda's help in the shape of a very large dose of positive energy which she sent me at a time I needed it. She also tried several times, gently but at the same time firmly to "cleanse" me, "removing" the ghosts from my body, choosing the appropriate moment that was safe for me. (...)

I also know that she talked with the ghosts because she revealed details of my private life which a person living 700 km away could not know but which the ghosts transmitted to her during many conversations she had with them. (...) I also thank her collaborators who oftentimes raised my spirits. (...) In my view, Mrs. Wanda Pratnicka and the people working with her are highly developed "spiritually" and I am glad that Destiny allowed me to get to know them. (...)

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…My life had become a nightmare for me and for my family, and only thanks to your help, the things which were tormenting my body, my mind, and my soul stopped…

I would like to thank you with all my heart for the help you have given me and my whole family. I asked you for help towards the end of 2000 with a very serious problem which was making my life difficult, indeed impossible. My life had become a nightmare for me and for my family and only thanks to your help the things which were tormenting my body, my mind and also my soul stopped. My life made sense and people close to me, particularly my wife, could believe that everything was going back to normal. I am also hugely grateful to you for the help shown to my son and his family. His life was threatened several times, his nervous system was in tatters, fear and terror stalked him step by step. That was a really difficult life. An improvement is visible for which I send my heartfelt thanks.

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…Thank you for cleansing us of the ghosts which upset our family life and my children's development…

At the start of my letter let me send you my warmest greetings. Since July 2000 I and my family are under your care. Thanks to you, day by day we are returning to a normal family life, we've all started to understand and talk with one another. My younger son had in him powerful ghosts from which you freed him. He used to wake in the night with a terrifying scream saying that a ghost with red eyes wanted to take him. Hearing this I was terrified. I had no idea what to do but I sensed those dreams of his because I used to wake just before his tearful, terrified scream. He was a hard child, rebellious, tearful and stubborn. I couldn't understand these strange dreams nor our behavior. I only felt that we were all drifting apart, saying nasty things to each other.

Thanks to you I became aware that the family and their love are the most important things in my life. Thank you for cleansing us of the ghosts which upset our family life and my children's development. I waited a long time for peace in our home. I know that I owe it to you, and I will never forget it. You are performing a very difficult task, you are healing people's souls. You have a beautiful gift, you understand people, you know their weaknesses, their emotions, and you know how to help them.

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…I have never before read such an interesting or instructive book (Possessed by Ghosts)…

It was with great interest that I read your book Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century. Though I have long been interested in the subject you write about, I must state that I have never before read such an interesting or instructive book on the subject, and I am very pleased to have found it.

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…The effects which we had been awaiting for so many years were visible the same day I telephoned your office…

Let me start by thanking you for the help you gave my wife. The effects which we had been awaiting for so many years were visible the same day I telephoned your office. A few days later we're noticing the first positive changes (signifying a return to normalcy) in my son and my mother.

Now I refer to the last sentence in the book "Possessed by Ghosts". The subject matter of the book has interested me for years since I have been affected by the problem of possession, unfortunately painfully "with all my body", for about 30 years. There is no doubt you deserve to be thanked for writing the book, for systematizing knowledge on a subject being "rediscovered" after centuries, for uncovering the unseen world, for enabling many people to solve their lives' problems which had hitherto seemed insoluble (...).

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…During the leading away of my mother's ghost, the tumor went down to the size of a plum. As I write this letter to you, I have nothing wrong with me…

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the book "Possessed by Ghosts". While I was reading the chapter on illnesses I started thinking about myself and my own illness. I am someone who is under the constant observation of an oncologist and I am in the high-risk group of people. This is because my parents suffered from cancer. My mother had a mastectomy. I also have problems with cysts and I was advised to have my breasts removed but I refused. Recently a tumor the size of a large mandarin appeared under my armpit, which was very irritating and unpleasant because I couldn't lift anything and blouses hurt me. I started to wonder about myself??? What could I do, how could I help myself and was the cause of this fact my dead mother? I started to talk to her and in my amateur way to ask her to leave. Imagine my surprise when, during the leading away of my mother's ghost, the tumor went down to the size of a plum. I was as pleased as a child, I couldn't believe it, it was impossible! I showed my daughter that I didn't have the tumor - she was astonished. The next day I had an appointment at the doctor's. After examining me, the doctor said that I have a slightly enlarged lymph node. As I write this letter to you I have nothing wrong with me, I am happy and very glad. I can't believe that I could have done this thanks to you - thanks to your book for which I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If it hadn't been for the book I would never have discovered that an illness can be caused by the presence of a ghost.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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…You have a miraculous, magnificent gift from God, thanks be that you are with us. Tomorrow belongs to people like you…

How I have been waiting for a book (Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century) like this! I have been searching book-shops for years trying to find such a work. Unfortunately, apart from works about eastern religions, I have found nothing in our cultural background.

I myself deal in bio-energy therapy and I have frequently experienced the phenomena you describe, the so-called contacts with the invisible world, the energies of people who have departed. People need explanations and help so much but at the same time they are very afraid even to talk about the subject. But now they have this book! It is written in very clear and simple language, supported by numerous examples from your own work. It's true, everything you have written is true. Your perceptions are true. I'll give you an example from my own family. When I asked you for an assessment of my family, you told me very precisely which ghosts with which emotions were with us. I wanted to make contact with these ghosts and through my friend, a medium, it was very successful. During the conversation with them they revealed what they expected from us, at the same time claiming that THEY are there for our own good, they support us (such is the level of their awareness) and that they have to be with us!

Wanda, these were the very same ghosts that you recognized - it was uncanny. You have a miraculous, magnificent gift from God, thanks be that you are with us.
I'll describe one more case which moved me greatly. A few years ago my friend lost her husband. She despaired greatly, she kept calling him to her. I tried to help her, I explained, I begged her to let him depart because I could clearly sense his presence (and at the cemetery I had clearly seen him). Nevertheless, she claimed that there was something wrong with me because the priest won't confirm it and tells her not to listen to such nonsense. It's a pity this book wasn't there then! It's a pity, too, that people are so terrified that they don't take the helping hand you offer them and remain plunged in the huge despair that engulfs them. Once more I'd like to thank you, dear Wanda, in my own name, my family's and all those brothers' who are hiding waiting for help, and when they do experience it from you they will never thank you out loud nor will they tell their acquaintances about their recovery because they don't believe in these things..
But still, things are changing and TOMORROW belongs to people like YOU.

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…Reading your book Possessed by Ghosts has helped me tidy up and understand what has been tormenting me for a long time…

I have been strongly affected by your book "Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century". I am happy that I have read it. Reading this book has helped me tidy up and understand what has been tormenting me for a long time. For some time, when I matured (to the level of wanting to "do away with" my limitations) I sought a "teacher". I read books, I took part in various workshops, including those dealing with spiritual healing. Certain subconscious propensities came to the surface. With all this, however, I felt there was something missing, e.g. a consistency of terminology, or explanations of the type "accept it as a matter of faith and don't question it".

The basic knowledge presented by you on the subject of the influence invisible reality has on the visible goes to the heart of things, and the simplicity and consistency of its presentation inspires trust. Once again, thank you for the book which helps towards a deeper union with Mother Earth, countering tendencies to "fly away". Your view on reality allows us to recover peace and reminds us again and again of the need to trust in a Higher Order of Things. This book exposes the potential sources of "invisible" perpetrators of discord in our life, giving us strength to act!

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…I must confess that I sincerely believed you and started to cry with joy because at last "someone" would help me…

I am so glad that your book Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms of the 21st Century fell into my hands. I had talked to you over the phone and even then you ascertained that there are many ghosts within me. I must confess that I sincerely believed you and started to cry with joy because at last "someone" would help me.
I talked to several people about it and they all criticized and mocked me, what did I believe, this was pure deception. If I had been mentally ill then they might have believed me, but I am normal so this was all garbage. However, no-one could persuade me because no-one knows what's in my head and what's happening to me, for how long and how many pills I've been taking daily just so I can function in some way.

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…The book Possessed by Ghosts arrived in my home when I was vainly seeking help for myself. Clarity, the truth, are undoubtedly the qualities of this book….

I am just reading again your book "Possessed by Ghosts". The book arrived in my home when I was vainly seeking help for myself.  Clarity, the truth, not resorting to verbal manipulation or intellectual complications are undoubtedly the qualities of this book. There is no doubt that this is a very deep book containing great wisdom, presenting a problem afflicting the whole of mankind resulting from wandering "in the darkness", from ignorance, and inappropriate thoughts and actions. 

You write with heart and you wish to help only those who wish to help themselves. In essence this is a book from beginning to end about love. To learn, to forgive oneself and one's neighbors is, after all, an inseparable part of true love. It is a kind of guide from which every one of us can take advantage. How can one live to be always aware of one's own emotions? It might appear that that's quite simple and indeed it is for people who are always reconciled to themselves. Unfortunately, more and more frequently the majority of us is immersed in sick emotions and in addition we're very afraid of looking into ourselves. With all due respect to ghosts but our weaknesses are a kind of Eden for unwanted guests. Thank you and those close to you for writing a real book. That's how I experience it. 

I assume that you haven't been made a professor, because who would nominate you, but that is no reflection on you. A person who is "on intimate terms" with God doesn't need any titles. Best wishes!

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