If you’ve been exploring spiritual development, or perhaps you’ve read a few books on the topic, chances are you’ve heard of the law of attraction. This principle states that whatever we focus our attention on, we attract into our lives. Many people use this law, consciously or unconsciously, to manifest the things they desire. However, there are also many misunderstandings surrounding this concept, and if used incorrectly, it can fail to deliver the desired results. So, how can we apply the law of attraction properly? Let’s dive into today’s post.
Most people approach life with the mindset of Have-Do-Be. They believe that once they have the desired object or outcome, then they’ll be able to do what they want, and finally, they’ll feel the way they’ve been longing to feel. For example: “If I have money, I’ll be able to help others, and then I’ll feel wealthy and happy.” Another example: “If I have a spouse, I’ll have someone to travel the world with, and I won’t feel lonely anymore.”
Unfortunately, this approach only reinforces a sense of lack within us. As a result, we repel the very things we want to attract. And so, it’s no surprise that nothing in our lives seems to change.
Some people choose to work with affirmations. They repeat phrases like “I have plenty of money,” or “I have a spouse.” Yet, they overlook how they feel for the rest of the day. Often, they spend the day worrying about how much money is left in their bank account or feeling frustrated when they see happy couples on the street.
In essence, they’re meditating on a sense of lack, and so, that sense of lack attracts more scarcity into their lives. The affirmations they’ve been repeating (the energy they’ve sent out into the universe) are canceled out by the feelings of lack they experience the rest of the day.
So, where does the solution lie, dear readers? The solution is in reversing the process: Be-Do-Have. If we want to manifest something in our lives, we need to apply the rule of “beingness”. You see, “havingness” doesn’t attract “beingness”. Only “beingness” will attract “havingness.”
Start by asking yourself what you want to have. Once you’ve identified it, consider how that thing will make you feel. It’s from this place of “beingness,” from this feeling, that you’ll attract that thing into your life. Our feelings always manifest in the physical world. Of course, we all experience a wide range of emotions, but there are a few dominant ones that rise above the rest, and these are the ones that manifest in physical form.
Let’s return to the example above: You feel poor, and therefore you don’t help others. This sense of poverty will only attract more poverty. So, you need to reverse this process. Starting today, feel wealthy. It doesn’t matter how much money is in your account—simply feel abundance with your whole being. From this place of abundance, start helping others, regardless of how much money you have (remember, help doesn’t always have to be financial). Soon, you’ll notice that this sense of abundance will attract even larger sums of money.
Another example: You feel lonely because you don’t have a spouse. This feeling of loneliness will only attract more loneliness. So, reverse the process. From today onward, start feeling like you’re constantly connected with others, even if you’re physically alone. Begin traveling the world with this feeling, and you’ll suddenly see how many people you start meeting.
In summary, if you want to be happy, start feeling happy now. If you want to be rich, start feeling rich now. If you want to be healthy, start feeling healthy now. It’s your state of mind that will attract these things into your life. Act as if you already are, and you’ll draw it to you.
I must mention in this post that if you’re dealing with spirit attachment, it may be challenging to manifest the things you desire in your life. While it’s not impossible, it’s definitely more difficult. Why? Spirits primarily influence a person’s emotional state. They often bombard the individual with intense, sometimes unbearable, negative emotions.
On one hand, you’ll be trying to put yourself in a state of positive feeling, such as joy, abundance, and health. On the other hand, spirits will be bombarding you with feelings of panic, sadness, and aggression. It’s like fighting windmills. That’s why, first and foremost, we must free ourselves from spirits. Once we’re free, much of our emotional suffering will automatically fall away, and we’ll be able to choose what we want to feel.
Remember that you create your future every day. You don’t need to be a fortune-teller to know what awaits you in the future. Look at the emotions that dominate you today, and you’ll know what your future holds. This is why we should remain in a state of constant “prayer,” meaning constant observation of our emotions. Always remember: You’re manifesting all the time, without pause. So, consciously choose only positive emotions, even in difficult moments.
About the Author:
Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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