Sometimes we are unsure whether we should help someone. It is not uncommon for the person seeking help to exert enormous pressure on us and expect our assistance immediately. Other times, the situation is the reverse: the person does not want our help, but we try to forcefully assist them, seeing their suffering. In this article, we will try to answer the question: How do we know when to offer help and when to step back.
No. Primarily, we should not help when the person begins to depend on our assistance. We should always ask ourselves what the consequences of our help will be. The aim of our assistance should be to get the person back on their feet so they can continue their life independently and not rely on others. Therefore, our help should always be temporary, not because we do not want to help longer, but because we do not want to make the person dependent on us. Dependence on our continual help contradicts the divine law that states every person is wonderful, strong, and complete, having been created in the image of God. They already have been given everything by God. It is only ourselves who fool ourselves into thinking we are weak, incapable, and not good enough. When we make another person dependent on us, we are taking away their own power instead of further strengthening it within them.
When we make someone dependent on our help, we often do it because we derive some benefit from it. It might give us a sense of power. We may also eventually feel needed, and thus more valuable. However, this is an illusion because there is no person or thing that can make us feel truly valuable. It is only a fleeting feeling from the ego, which will soon disappear so that we once again feel unneeded, inferior, or weak.
Dependency on help can be easily seen in government-offered programs. Assistance from the government should always be temporary so that a person can eventually become independent. However, there are individuals who rely on government aid for their entire lives. Such welfare makes us dependent on government help and loses the motivation to improve our own lives. Of course, some political parties aim to keep people on welfare continually. Politicians know well that a person who constantly receives welfare will continue to vote for them, which would obviously change if a political party suddenly decided to withdraw the benefit after a few months.
Another common example of dependency occurs in parent-child relationships. For instance, a parent may fear being alone and unconsciously raise their child to be dependent. They give the child no responsibilities, set no boundaries, pay for everything, etc. Such a young person then grows up to be a failure with low self-esteem. One of the worst things we can do to our children is not allowing them to become adults and independent.
If we help forcefully, it usually benefits no one. Of course, we can encourage the person to change, but we must be very careful to always remain neutral in our emotions. If we start pushing another person forcefully, it means that we ourselves are struggling with some fear inside. Here again, I can give the example of a parent-child relationship. When a parent forcibly demands the child to change, the child usually rebels and distances themselves even more from the parent. So be honest with yourself and look within to discover what you are so afraid of that it manifests itself in constantly excessive helping and putting pressure on another person. In our center, we constantly deal with cases of parents who forced their children to change so strongly that they became possessed by spirits. The spirits, of course, were attracted by their immense fear.
Even when you withdraw from providing help in the material world, because you notice it will not have good effects, you can always offer spiritual assistance. Such spiritual help is much more important than help in the physical world, yet we often forget about it. In your thoughts, send positive energy to your loved one, thinking of them as already happy, healthy, full of strength, free from addiction, and whatever else you positively wish for them. But remember, you must already see them in your thoughts as they are, that the change has already taken place. You can also talk to them in your thoughts, telling them how much you love them and how much they mean to you. Such positive energy will lift them up.
Remember, whatever happens, God and a whole host of spiritual guides watch over every person. Always remember to give the other person freedom and trust that they are receiving from life what will best help them in their spiritual awakening. Never pity anyone, because you are dragging yourself and the other person into an even deeper hole.
About the Author:
Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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