In today's post, I want to delve into the emotion of anger. Although anger is a familiar sensation to all of us, as we either experience it personally or witness others' fury, few truly comprehend what lurks beneath this emotion and how to effectively manage it. Some individuals seem utterly overwhelmed by their anger, allowing it to dominate their lives.
When someone is angry, they might initially appear powerful or strong. We often begin to fear such individuals. However, it's crucial to realize that anger is merely the tip of an iceberg, beneath which lies a mass of other emotions. To simplify, imagine a sequence from the top of the iceberg downward: anger --- > pain --- > fear. At the very bottom of anger lies fear. Our anger escalates because we are terrified. The greater the anger, the more profound the fear. Hence, a person who appears strong and powerful is, in reality, deeply frightened.
Notice that animals behave similarly. A fearless animal is relaxed, whereas a frightened animal (or one that feels harmed) becomes aggressive: it makes noises, tenses its body, and may eventually attack. Similarly, a frightened person may shout, tense up, and might even lash out physically. Therefore, an angry person attacks only because they themselves feel threatened and scared. This is an important perspective to maintain when dealing with someone who is expressing anger or attempting to attack us. Understanding that they are acting out of fear allows us to respond with compassion rather than fear or aggression.
I mentioned earlier the pain that lies between anger and fear. Emotional pain can have many causes, but a common one is a feeling of worthlessness. When we feel worthless, we tend to become angry, set conditions, become rigid in our views, and try to control everything, forcing situations to resolve as we wish. This is how people who live in constant fear of their life act, and it often results in frequent outbursts of anger.
Living in Love is the antithesis of this state. A person filled with love is fearless, relaxed, and calm because they always trust, are confident, care for others, and feel no need to prove anything.
A person who is constantly angry is in continuous emotional pain. Such anger can eventually ATTRACT SPIRITS to them. Most often, they attract a spirit who, during its life, also struggled with anger issues. When a spirit like that possesses a person, it bombards them with even stronger feelings of aggression. What happens as a result? This person may experience intense bouts of rage, lose control of their actions, and even fail to remember the harm they caused under the influence of the spirits.
People around such individuals often have to tread carefully, as even the smallest mistake or wrong glance can trigger a huge emotional explosion. It's not uncommon for the person to no longer resemble the one we knew before. We frequently receive calls from people seeking help for their child or spouse because they have dramatically changed. If these spirits are not removed, the chances of improvement are very slim. You can read more about this topic on the page about SYMPTOMS OF SPIRIT POSSESSION.
If we are NOT dealing with spirits, where should we start in order to heal our anger? First, acknowledge your anger. When you feel everything boiling inside you, activate your awareness and closely observe what is happening in your body. Notice how you tense up, feel the urge to scream, your rising blood pressure, and the heat building inside you... Try to be as aware of yourself as possible. Do not judge anything; just observe. This will help you distance yourself from your emotions and avoid acting upon them. Remember, you are not your emotions; they are simply that—emotions (energy currents running through your body).
Then, you might ask yourself: What am I so afraid of? (Remember, we are angry because we are terrified.) Once you identify your fear, allow yourself to fully feel it. Emotions are meant to be felt.
Anger helps us finally recognize and welcome into our hearts the old, buried pain we’ve hidden deep within. Succumbing to anger causes us to bury this pain even deeper. We mistakenly believe it’s unbearable and try to escape it. But all it takes is for us to fully feel it with all our heart, and it will vanish as quickly as darkness disappears when a light is turned on. For more information on how to manage your emotions, I recommend reading the book by Gary Zukav, The Heart of the Soul - Emotional Awareness.
About the Author:
Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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