Many people who pursue spiritual development dream of having a guru in their life who could help or accelerate their spiritual growth. Some even travel to India or South America to be in the presence of highly spiritual individuals, hoping it will transform their lives. Everyone has the right to live according to their preferences and fulfill their desires. There are, in truth, no good or bad decisions. However, if you desire to have a guru in your life who will hasten your spiritual development and bring you closer to enlightenment, you need not search the world, for they are already present in your life! Indeed, everyone has one or several gurus in their life.
These gurus are people in our lives who constantly press on our proverbial sore spots. Thus, they might be our parents whom we still resent, or perhaps our spouse whom we frequently become angry with, or even our child who occasionally drives us to fury, or a boss who vents on us, etc. All these individuals who trigger negative reactions in you are your gurus! They, often unconsciously, reopen old, unhealed wounds so that you might finally look at them and heal. There is no other path to enlightenment than constantly changing one's negative patterns to positive ones. While meditating, repeating affirmations, attending lectures, and reading books are all beneficial, real spiritual growth occurs through experience. Knowledge gained from books does not embed itself in us as profoundly as that which we experience firsthand. And our experiences are often linked with other people who elicit various negative reactions from us.
These individuals appear in our lives at the perfect moment when our souls are mature and ready to confront a false belief or an inner wound. In the Universe, everything happens at the ideal time, in perfect order, at the perfect pace. There are no coincidences. Thus, your guru appears with a lesson when you are ready to ascend to a higher level in your spiritual development.
Here's an event from last week that I witnessed:
Last week, I met with two friends for dinner, let's call them Brooke and Amber. Brooke was already inside the restaurant when I happened upon Amber right in front of the entrance. As Brooke saw us entering together, she exclaimed, "Oh thank God, I'm in the right place, because this restaurant has several locations. I was worried I might be waiting at the wrong one." To which Amber replied, "Didn’t I send you the link with the address?" At that moment, I noticed Brooke's energy shift. Anger crossed her face, and she began to attack Amber, behaving unpleasantly. I noticed that Amber was completely unaware of the issue, yet despite the attack, she remained kind. Eventually, I decided to awaken Brooke from her 'sleep' by seeing how she was losing herself to increasing anger (partially because Amber was not reacting to her anger). I explained to Brooke that Amber's comment about the link only touched some unhealed wound within her. I suggested she emotionally distance herself from Amber, delve deep within, and search for what was hurting her so badly. "What is causing you such great pain right now?" I asked. After a brief reflection, Brooke responded that Amber's reaction reminded her of her mother's responses, which always made Brooke feel simply stupid, clumsy, and unintelligent.
As you can see, Amber is, at this moment, a wonderful guru for Brooke, because she touched Brooke's unhealed wound, giving her a chance to heal it. Brooke's anger towards Amber quickly dissolved after understanding the source of her pain.
And yet, the evening could have ended very differently. Brooke could have taken offense and left the restaurant without even knowing why. She might have decided not to talk to Amber anymore.
Let this story serve as an example of how to approach situations when you feel everything starting to boil over and you are about to fight someone, or when you fall into sadness and your body starts to shrink and you feel like running away. Instead of succumbing to these impulses, ask yourself: what is hurting me so much? What emotions are demanding attention? Could it be an issue from the past that is still unhealed? What is this person helping me understand about myself?
I encourage you to start seeing all the people who evoke negative reactions in you as your guru, as a gift you are receiving from the Universe to heal your emotional wounds. Of course, this is not an easy task, especially as the ego will tempt us to blame the other person. Here, you will need to demonstrate maturity and, above all, courage. Only the brave can look deep within themselves and see their own 'dirt.'
Such an approach also protects us from spirit possession. Spirits feed on our negative energy. Negative energy attracts them to us like a magnet. When you are aware of your negative emotions and do not let their whirlwind sweep you away, spirits will not be drawn to you. If you want to delve deeper into the topic of negative emotions, I invite you to read a post published last week: How Can Awareness Free Us from Spirits and Negative Emotions?
About the Author:
Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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