Today, we’d like to share three timeless pieces of wisdom that can dramatically improve the quality of your life. These principles, once embraced by ancient, highly evolved cultures, have been largely forgotten in our fast-paced modern world. It’s no wonder so many of us struggle. Let’s rediscover these profound truths together.
1. We Are All One
One of the greatest illusions of the ego is the belief that we are separate from one another. When we look at the world through our physical senses, this might appear true—each body seems distinct, existing apart from others. This illusion makes it easier for us to harm others because we think their suffering won’t affect us.
On a personal level, this might manifest as hurtful words, betrayal, or resentment. On a larger scale, it’s visible in wars, genocides, and global tragedies, like the 30,000 people who die from starvation every day, despite an abundance of food being wasted worldwide. We often adopt an “us vs. them” mindset, believing we are safe and untouched by the harm we cause.
But on a spiritual level, we are all connected—like a vast spider web, where each thread is intertwined. When you hurt someone else, you ultimately harm yourself because we are all part of the same whole. A nation attacking another is, in essence, attacking itself.
If we truly remembered this oneness, we’d think twice before causing harm or even entertaining negative thoughts about another. Knowing that the energy we put out will eventually return to us would inspire us to treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Next time you interact with someone, remind yourself: We are all one.
2. There Is Enough
From a young age, we’re taught to believe in scarcity—that there’s not enough to go around. This fear shapes our behavior: we hesitate to share, pay less than we should, or hoard resources, fearing that giving will leave us with too little. But here’s a powerful truth: we attract what we believe.
If you believe in lack, you will experience lack. If you act from a mindset of scarcity, you will attract more scarcity. But if you shift your perspective and truly believe in abundance, everything changes.
Imagine what life would be like if you trusted that there is enough. You would share freely without hesitation. You’d give generously, knowing that giving is receiving. When you give with an open heart, you create space for abundance to flow back to you.
This wisdom teaches us that abundance isn’t just about material things—it’s a mindset. Feel abundant, and you will attract abundance into your life.
3. There Is Nothing You Need to Do
In our culture, we’re conditioned to solve problems through action. Feeling unhappy? Buy something new. Feeling poor? Work harder. Feeling unloved? Find a partner who will adore you. While these actions might provide temporary relief, they rarely address the root of the problem.
True transformation begins not with doing, but with being.
Consider this: instead of trying to fix your unhappiness by buying something, focus on being happy first. Then, if you still want to buy that purse, it comes from a place of joy rather than need. Instead of chasing wealth to feel abundant, embody a sense of wealth now—even if you have just ten cents in your pocket. The classic film It Happened on Fifth Avenue illustrates this beautifully.
Similarly, don’t seek love to fill a void. Instead, be love, and your actions will naturally come from a place of fullness rather than longing.
The key is this: you can’t find true fulfillment by chasing it externally. Fulfillment arises when you align with the state of being you desire. From that place, your actions will naturally flow, and you’ll create a life of true purpose and joy.
By embracing these three wisdoms—we are all one, there is enough, and there is nothing you need to do—you can transform your life from the inside out. These principles offer a way to live with greater connection, generosity, and peace.
Start small. Reflect on these ideas and practice incorporating them into your daily life. Over time, you’ll find that the quality of your life improves—not because you’re chasing something, but because you’re finally aligned with the truth of who you are.
About the Author:
Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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