Life often presents us with moments of bewilderment and surprise, where the actions of others leave us feeling disappointed or taken aback. In such instances, human reactions vary—some respond with sadness, others with anger, resentment, or even a desire for revenge. If you've ever felt hurt by someone's behavior, this blog invites you to explore the theme of acceptance and answers the question of why our often unconscious expectations of others can cause so much suffering.
Each individual is unique, even those closest to us, such as parents or siblings, can differ significantly from us. Shared blood does not guarantee a shared worldview. While we may find common ground in some areas, in many others, we may be complete opposites.
Many people, seeking support from us, express their suffering, blaming their loved ones for the pain they experience. Unbeknownst to them, they are often the creators of their own suffering, driven by conscious or unconscious expectations placed on these individuals. For instance, expecting a child to call when they are sick and reacting with anger or despair when this expectation is unmet.
Frequently, we anticipate that people should conform to our standards. However, our standards, beliefs, and opinions are uniquely ours and not universal. Even societal norms, like calling a parent when ill, don't guarantee universal compliance.
Every person has had different painful and joyful childhood experiences that shaped their development and worldview. Factors such as diverse parental upbringing, attendance at different schools, participation in distinct cultures, and varying financial access contribute to the individualized lenses through which we view the world and causes our hearts to be more or less open.
Here, we must address another crucial aspect, even more important than those mentioned above. Life is a continuous journey, and our current existence is neither our first nor last. We've reincarnated numerous times, accumulating diverse experiences and lessons. This explains why siblings raised by the same parents using the same methods can grow into different individuals with distinct reactions to life's challenges. One of them may have already learned some lessons in previous incarnations, so when their parents disappoint them, it does not affect them. On the other hand, their brother or sister may feel guilty, inferior, and develop a low sense of self-worth. The lessons or lack thereof from previous incarnations have a significant impact on how a person behaves in their current life.
Firstly, recognize that what seems obvious to you may not be so for someone else. Instead of passing judgment, find compassion within yourself. Accept others for who they are. Even if you disagree, embracing the perspective shift can alter your perception, as Wayne Dyer suggests, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." It doesn't necessarily mean you like things as they are; you can certainly wish for things to be different. But in this moment, as the saying goes, it is what it is.
We all possess strengths and weaknesses. While someone may struggle in one area, they might excel in another. Don't dismiss a person just because they face difficulties in a particular domain. Everyone has their unique set of talents.
Abandon any expectations you hold for others. Expectations are self-imposed prisons. We become slaves to the desire for someone's love, admiration, attention, or time. Imagine the freedom of expecting nothing from anyone—it's a feeling of extraordinary liberation! This will save you a lot of stress and pain.
Lastly, when we fail to accept the choices or behaviors of others, when we resist and attempt to forcefully change them, or when unmet expectations breed negative emotions, we expose ourselves to spiritual repercussions. Lack of compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness lowers our vibrational frequency, making it easier for spirits to influence us negatively. So, the question remains: Is it worth poisoning ourselves with such toxicity? I think NOT.
In conclusion, embracing life requires us to cultivate acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness. Let us free ourselves from the chains of expectations and judgment, fostering an environment of compassion and growth.
About the Author:
Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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