judging others and overcoming it

Why We Judge Others and How to Overcome This Trait?


Often, we rush to judge others. We voice our opinions aloud or silently form them in our minds. Some people can no longer converse about anything other than critiquing others negatively. In today’s post, we'll explore why we are drawn to judge others, why this destructive behavior brings pleasure to many, and how to overcome this negative character trait.


The Root of Judging Others: Our Ego

Judging others stems from our ego. Our ego loves to judge others because it makes us feel superior. People who love themselves and are comfortable in their own skin do not feel the need to gossip or judge others. Only those with low self-esteem will criticize or mock others. This provides them with a temporary, false sense of superiority and power over other people. Therefore, when the urge to judge another arises, we should ask ourselves: why do I really feel inferior? It's a great opportunity to love ourselves more and remind ourselves that no one is better or worse than us. Everyone is equal, as we all come from God, and God resides in all of us.


The Reflection Principle: Seeing Ourselves in Others

Another aspect of judging is that the traits we notice in others also exist within us. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to recognize them (Reminder: Law of Reflection: what we judge in others is often a reflection of what we need to address within ourselves).




What we judge in another person, be it stupidity, greed, or hatred, actually exists within us. It may not be as pronounced (although sometimes it is even greater), but the seeds are definitely there. Thus, whenever we feel the urge to judge someone else, we should consider where we are the same. It should be a wonderful opportunity for us to heal these negative traits within ourselves.


The Dangerous Form of Judgment

Sometimes our judgment takes a truly dangerous form. I use "dangerous" because it can invite spirits into our presence. You can read about the effects of spirit possession on the page: common symptoms of spirit attachment. You have undoubtedly witnessed (or perhaps been that person yourself) someone becoming incredibly angry while judging others. Strong negative emotions are excellent nourishment for spirits. Even if they do not attach permanently, they can linger around, stealing energy from the person. Therefore, always be mindful of your emotional state, and as soon as negative emotions start to overwhelm you, try to relax.


Resisting and Imposing Our Opinions

Some people constantly resist situations, fight against them, impose their opinions, and want everything to be resolved to their liking. We have written many times on this blog that we must primarily give others freedom. We can only control ourselves. What others do should never be subject to our judgment. If we feel that another person is hurting us, we have no choice but to forgive ourselves and them. Allow them to live as they wish, because can you truly know what is best for them? No. Even if a person is spiraling downward and refuses help, you must let them live their life. Your pressure and judgment will only worsen the situation. Notice how children often avoid parents who constantly judge them or pressure them.


Living at a Fast Pace and Self-Awareness

We are accustomed to living at a fast pace, which only fosters a greater lack of self-awareness. Despite the fast pace, we should always feel calm inside and continually be aware of our emotional state. Our emotions are a valuable guide on the path of spiritual development. In such a state of spiritual peace, you will cultivate feelings of empathy and compassion. You will better understand the experiences, perspectives, and feelings of others instead of immediately judging them. You will feel unconditional love for all beings (including animals and plants), knowing that we are all on the path of self-realization, and on this path, everyone makes mistakes and sometimes falls. What is obvious to us may not always be obvious to another person. You once made similar mistakes, whether in this life or previous incarnations. Therefore, judging another person is pointless.

Finally, I will leave you with this story: A monk constantly found faults in others and reported them to the Buddha. The Buddha responded, "It's not proper for a son of a good family who has gone forth out of faith from the home life into homelessness to find fault in others. One who finds fault in others suffers from the unarisen suffering and is not freed from the already arisen suffering."



About the Author:

Marianna oversees the daily operations of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, skillfully advising staff members on guiding clients through the spirit removal process. Her efforts extend beyond management; she is dedicated to raising awareness about the phenomenon of spirit possession, utilizing various platforms including events, books, and digital media. In her leisure time, Marianna delights in gardening, immerses herself in reading, and explores new natural wonders.


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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:


2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?


3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?





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