Sleep disturbances affect many individuals, but when combined with spirit possession, the experience takes on a whole new dimension. The spirits of the deceased, residing permanently in the lower realms of the emotional world or the astral plane, can interact with us during sleep, leading to profound impacts on our nightly rest. Understanding these interactions is crucial, as they reveal the intricate connection between our emotional body and the spirit world.
As we mentioned, spirits of the deceased dwell permanently in the lower realms of the emotional world, also called the astral plane. This is a place where we go daily as consciousness during sleep. Humans navigate their emotional bodies in two main instances: when their soul has permanently left the physical body, meaning after its death, and during sleep. The Higher Self is the supreme instance of our being. It is truly ourselves, our immortal essence. In the process of descending the ladder of vibrations into incarnation, as the Higher Self, we donned various subtle bodies: mental, emotional, etheric, and physical. The purpose of this is to enable the Higher Self to operate not only at a very high level of divine Self but also in lower energy bands.
Here, our primary focus will be on one of these bodies, namely the emotional body, as it is through this body that we interact with spirits and experience sleep disturbances. When our soul, the combination of all higher bodies, leaves the physical body at night, most of us wander through the emotional world. This is a fascinating area of existence, which, however, we cannot discuss in detail here due to its extremely complex structure.
For now, it is enough to remember that when we leave the physical body during sleep, we start to act solely based on our emotions. Our emotional body, after a day of being imprisoned in the physical body, can finally take full control. In a waking state, we often do not allow our emotions this possibility, as most of us, who are currently incarnated, limit or even deny the awareness and emanation of this body. We believe that emotions should not intrude into the realm of daily experience dominated by our analytical thinking.
This has its good and bad sides – good in not allowing negative emotions to dominate our external experience; bad in that we suppress or block them, even the positive ones. We simply judge them, defining them as useless or harmful. This is a vast topic, and generalizing it here is not feasible.
Let us return to the interaction of our emotional body with the emotional body of a spirit during sleep. A spirit does not return to the physical body because it has rejected it (yes, we at the soul level reject the physical body; it does not die because that is the fate of man). Intense contacts with spirits often occur when, in the phase of falling asleep, we leave the physical body. The emotional body exits its tight physical shell and begins to emanate an emotion.
This emotion draws it to a space in the emotional world where exactly the same emotions are accumulated. Suppose we long for a romantic connection with another person and lack such experiences in the physical world. We then travel in our sleep to places where souls with such longings reside. We enjoy fulfilling our desire, immersing ourselves in romantic feelings shared by a group of similar souls.
Through this mechanism, we can satisfy our basic emotional desires daily during sleep. The same happens at the mental level – suppose our main goal is to invent a new type of technological device. During sleep, we go to a place where we meet souls with identical desires, exchanging ideas and enjoying the company of like-minded souls.
Whether we remember our emotional or mental experiences after returning to the physical body is another matter. The brain of our physical body is responsible for physical memory, and its vibrations determine whether we can capture the memory of our out-of-body experiences. Most of us are not yet capable of this, which does not mean it is impossible. The vibration of the physical body, including the brain, can be raised through a diet free from meat products, poisons like alcohol/nicotine, or through meditation.
Returning to sleep disturbances stemming from spirit possession, two phases are crucial: leaving the physical body for the emotional world and returning. In both cases, spirits can intensely influence us. When leaving the body, a spirit may wait for this moment to scare us – this is generally its basic survival strategy – terrifying us. The mechanism here is connecting with the spirit in that fear, and the closer the contact with the spirit, meaning the more we let ourselves be frightened, the more energy the spirit can take from us. Often, in fear, we return to the physical body, seeking safety. This results in a pattern of falling asleep, leaving the body, and immediately returning to it in terror, creating stress at the emotional and physical levels.
This prevents us from experiencing the rest that comes from being in higher subtle bodies during sleep, and our soul becomes exhausted from continuously switching between the physical body and the lowest level of the emotional world dominated by the survival instinct, experiencing emotions like fear, hostility, aggression, rage, or hatred. The vibration of our soul, free from the spirit's influence, can be anchored in a very high emotional space, such as deep peace and joy from close contact with luminous vibration levels. A similar dynamic often occurs when consciousness, residing in the astral/emotional world, returns to the physical body.
Spirit possession usually has little to do with the quite common phenomenon of sleep paralysis, where the brain begins to connect with its returning emotional/mental body before it has fully anchored in the physical body. For some, this causes intense fear. Our physical consciousness is already active, but we are not yet able to move our physical body. Nonetheless, this is a transitional phase, and those who stop fearing this state gain the opportunity for a conscious connection between physical consciousness and the returning emotional body, which can be a source of very fulfilling and long-awaited integration of physicality with the much higher and more pleasant energy of the emotional body.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of his wife Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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