In this article, we aim to briefly describe practices such as surrounding oneself with light, creating energetic spheres, or protective energy shields around oneself. The practice of protecting one's own energy and that of others is a difficult topic, because in rare circumstances it is indeed worth helping oneself or others using such methods. However, it's important to remember that in most cases, such actions may not be sensible or effective and can sometimes even be harmful.
Creating any form of energy protection around one's physical body or subtle bodies always involves an expenditure of energy. This means that the energy used to create something akin to a protective sphere has a certain energy potential, which tends to decay over time, for example, when a spirit of a deceased person, who interacts with such protection, tries to approach us. It will expend energy to break through our barrier, which over time will weaken it.
Energy protection is, therefore, an imperfect mechanism because spirits, driven by a survival instinct, are highly motivated to penetrate all types of such barriers. They will also persistently pursue their goal. For them, it is about survival, while humans mainly care about their psychological and physical comfort, which gets disrupted by the presence of a spirit in their energy sphere.
Another downside to these shields is the following fact – humans and their subtle bodies are part of the overall energy of the Universe, with which they must maintain constant energetic contact. We are born from the energy of the Universe and must remain united with it; otherwise, the natural flow between an individual's energy and their environment gets disrupted. It's somewhat like trying to separate ourselves from the air around us. We thereby resolve and build a glass sphere that aims to "protect" us from it. The effect soon is such that due to the lack of oxygen, we begin to feel increasingly worse, until we reach a point where we urgently need to leave such a bubble to reconnect with the life-giving energy around us.
In the Universe, nothing and no one can live in isolation from the environment, because, by definition, we constitute one, fluid whole with everything that exists. That's why the sages of all times tell us that we are an integral part of a unified and singular field, that all human discomfort stems from the fact that in one way or another, we separate ourselves from the Universe/God, and the only solution is to realize this, free ourselves from self-created barriers, and return to the bosom of the One who gave us life.
By creating such energetic shields, we risk that on an energetic level, we will start to lack "oxygen," which will lead to even greater suffering than that resulting from the phenomenon of spirit possession and its symptoms. It is not uncommon for people under the influence of the astral world and spirits of the deceased to turn to various individuals offering to install such shields. This action can be a significant problem. It arises from the fact that if we visit, for instance, a bioenergy therapist for this purpose, we end up locked in the bubble not just by ourselves but also by the spirit causing us trouble.
This leads to a double problem, as “oxygen" soon begins to run out not only for us but also for the spirit present with us, which soon leads to a survival fight between two interconnected beings, and the double engagement of fear of survival does not lead to merely doubling this fear, but its significant multiplication.
Sealing a spirit in our aura is like placing a seal on a decayed tooth that has not been cleaned inside. Cleansing a person from such a spirit then becomes a particularly difficult challenge, is greatly complicated, and sometimes even made impossible.
Given the above, it's important to remember two very important facts. First, if any suffering appears in our sphere, let's not run away from it. Let's examine it. Contrary to appearances, suffering provides us with a very valuable clue, revealing to us the source, or rather the root cause, of our internal problems (emotional and mental). Knowing the source, we often simultaneously discover the path to lasting freedom from that particular problem and, of course, the suffering. Without looking within, there is thus no freedom. Secondly, the best practice for identifying problem sources is not to wait for suffering to appear but again to observe oneself. Continuously watch your emotions and thoughts, recognize them every second of your day. This will lead you to a better understanding of your own psyche, save you expenses on psychotherapy, and give you the ability to help yourself and even others. There are many internal "wounds" in the psyche, especially those stemming from childhood, and only by continuously working on recognizing and healing them will you achieve lasting psychological comfort.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of his wife Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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