lack of self reliance and spirit possession

Can Lack of Self-Reliance Lead to Spirit Possession?


Self-reliance is essential for keeping spirits at a distance. The less self-reliant we are, the stronger our ties become to the emotional realm where the spirits of the deceased dwell, lingering close to the material world. In today’s post, we will discuss why we must diligently work on cultivating the traits necessary for maintaining self-reliance.


Understanding Self-Reliance

Self-reliance is the ability to act independently, make decisions, and solve problems without constant help from others. It also means taking responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences. A lack of self-reliance can lead to numerous negative effects, both psychologically and socially. Psychologically, a lack of self-reliance results in low self-esteem, a lack of belief in one’s capabilities, and fear of making decisions. People who struggle with independence often develop emotional dependence on others, including the spirits of the deceased, and have difficulty building their own identity. Socially, being non-self-reliant can make it challenging to form equal relationships, function within a group, and avoid excessive dependence on others.

This lack of independence leads to complications in professional life, increasing the risk of being taken advantage of—by both the living and the deceased. Practically, it manifests as an inability to handle daily responsibilities, issues with managing finances, or difficulty organizing one’s time. In the context of personal growth, lacking independence hinders the acquisition of new skills and obstructs the achievement of personal goals. It creates a cycle where a person becomes more dependent on others, which only deepens their lack of self-reliance.


Spiritual Implications of Dependence

In the context of spiritual growth, the lack of self-reliance imposes serious limitations on shaping one’s own spiritual path. This often results in a lack of autonomy in the search for one’s spiritual direction, with a tendency to accept others’ religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs without question. Those lacking self-reliance may find themselves reliant on others for their spiritual practices, often turning to spirits of the deceased for guidance. This can make it difficult for them to interpret spiritual texts on their own or to develop independent reflections on existential matters. Consequently, they end up experiencing spirituality superficially, with little authenticity, and become more vulnerable to manipulation by various groups, spiritual leaders, or even spirits.


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Lack of spiritual independence also stifles the development of intuition and inner wisdom, leading to an inability to discern what is true and meaningful. This could result in a crisis of faith, a loss of purpose in life, or, conversely, a fanatical attachment to external forms of religiosity or spiritualadvice from spirits.


Our Clients' Perspective on Self-Reliance

Of course, none of our clients in the spirit removal process are completely devoid of self-reliance. Traits that lead to independence develop through the process of multiple incarnations, gradually growing stronger over time. Typically, our clients are already somewhat advanced; they have awakened to some extent a mediumistic ability—the capacity to perceive higher subtle realms or at least to observe the initial levels of the astral world. As a result, they begin forming increasingly intense relationships with the astral plane and its inhabitants.

It’s often easiest for people to connect with another human soul in the emotional world. Many of these souls are no longer bound to the physical realm—these are individuals who have passed through the “death” of the physical body, in other words, the spirits of the deceased.


The Spirits' Interest in the Living

We’ve mentioned in many posts on this blog that spirits are deeply interested in contact with the living. By remaining close to a living person, they can draw the energy needed to continue existing. We can imagine what consequences arise when someone is even slightly lacking in self-reliance. Spirits will immediately try to exploit any sign of a desire to be led, or any inclination towards seeking answers externally. This applies equally to those of us who ask questions using a pendulum or other methods to communicate with the beyond.

I recall the story of a fortune teller who complained about her clients constantly calling her to “consult” which house, car, or future path they should choose. If that were the extent of it, the fortune teller wouldn’t have had an issue. However, the inquiries often went further, with questions about which color of clothing to wear or even what kind of toilet paper to buy. This illustrates how much, as human beings, we fear taking responsibility for our choices.


Breaking Free from Dependence

Even a slight inclination towards dependence will bind us to the influence of spirits and the astral world with all its temptations, desires and suffering discussed here. Therefore, the fundamental task for anyone striving for independence—including independence from spirits—is to work on eliminating all signs of non-self-reliance, as well as striving to take initiative, develop critical thinking, practice discipline, be consistent in actions, and have faith in one’s capabilities while being aware of personal limitations and admitting mistakes. Above all, we sincerely wish our readers the courage to decide to become completely self-reliant.



About the Author:

Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of his wife Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.


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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:


2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?


3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?





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