Today's post will focus on people who are already in the process of spirit removal.
During the removal process spirits are constantly being led away from the living. During this period, the possessed person is often in a situation where the spirit will leave person's body temporarily before returning once again. We have learned that the likelihood of the spirit leaving a person permanently during the first few sessions of the removal process is rather small. In fact, this happens only in cases of people who have suffered over a long period of time from spirit attachment.
Such people on the subconscious level are successful in permanently blocking the return of the spirits. As we have discovered, suffering always creates motivation to improve our own situation and to free ourselves from the shackles we placed upon ourselves.
If you are in this larger group of people who suffer from repeated possession, you may go through a roller coaster of highs and lows during the first weeks of removal process (however this is only rarely the case). What generally happens is that spirits will be led away from you, only to quickly return after you have unconsciously attracted them back. This is due to part of your subconscious being accustomed to the spirit's presence and by the fact that you miss their “company” even though it causes great suffering.
The subconscious acts habitually and of its own accord, and this is also the case here. Perhaps the spirit is someone close to you with whom you want to be in constant contact. Such behavior is destructive and will cause suffering both to you and for the spirit. Ultimately, it is the spirit's destiny to stop suffering and cross to the other side, and your job, as hard as it may be, is to give the spirit freedom and let it go. However, at the beginning of the removal process, this is not always easy for the possessed person.
Another possible scenario is that you have attracted a spirit with your own negative emotions. Let's assume for a moment that you are jealous and you are attracting spirits that were also jealous while they were still alive. Because of this, they will reside on that particular emotional level. As the removal process begins, your own emotions do not change. However, the factor (the spirit) which intensifies your emotions is being removed. Therefore, during the removal process, it will be very important for you to work hard on your own negative emotions. When the spirit (the factor) is not with you (as it has been temporarily removed), you will regain control. Jealousy will no longer be an emotion that you are unable to deal with because the extremely intense jealousy comes from the astral world (which the spirit brought with it).
Now everything will be in your hands and that is why you have to watch your own jealousy very carefully. You must recognize the destructive force of your jealousy, the fear underneath it that tries to convince you that you will lose your loved one. Anxiety in any relationship (and in any other circumstance) is always destructive, and this is exactly what you need to recognize. When the spirit is not with you, you need to slowly work on releasing the jealousy accumulated in your emotional body, go deep within yourself, search for this negative emotion, and slowly let it out and distance yourself from it once and for all. After some time, you will discover that you are no longer jealous, that it is not a part of your being, and that you can finally keep this emotion at bay.
If you have had us assist in the removal process, we will be able to help you recognize your own emotional patterns and guide you toward the way out of emotional imprisonment.
We understand that it is difficult to generalize in these matters because each case is different, but I will try to describe how you should approach the spirits that are being removed from you and why you continue to attract them:
You need to forgive yourself for indulging in destructive emotions such as anger, rage, hatred, envy, jealousy, fear, panic, etc.
These are all part of the human experience and it is evolution's purpose for you to go through them. Today, you already know that they are destructive and will only attract suffering, so with that knowledge, you can begin to distance yourself from them permanently. We will help you with the forgiveness process as well. This is an extremely important part of healing your psyche and maintaining freedom from spirits.
Please remember that you reacted with numbing grief to their death and that you may have pleaded for your deceased loved one not to go away, thus preventing them from entering the afterlife.
They harbor selfish motives and want to feed on your energy, but you are just as responsible for attracting them as they are for attaching themselves to you. There has to be attraction on both sides to be possessed. You are currently experiencing tremendous suffering from their presence in your energy field (you can read about the symptoms in the section SPIRIT ATTACHMENT), but you must also take responsibility for this predicament.
You will have moments of freedom, you will feel better, but then you will attract the spirits again and ultimately feel worse. It may even seem (although this is very rare) that at times you will feel worse than before you started the removal process, because by experiencing moments of freedom from the spirits, you will begin to restore your own sensitivity. For example, if you have a splinter stuck in your finger and you cannot pull it out, you will automatically begin to lower the level of sensitivity in the finger because you do not want to feel the pain. This kind of a process is mostly unconscious. The return of the spirit to a more sensitive person can cause you to feel more pain than if the spirit were with you constantly. In part two, we will provide more helpful tips on this topic and offer you additional guidance toward obtaining emotional and spiritual freedom.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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