Today we will discuss the problem of possession caused by addiction. During these unsettling times, addiction has become a source of serious anguish for thousands of people - both in terms of their own psyche and spirit attachment.
Addiction is often the result of the mind’s subconscious tendency to repeat what is pleasurable or to escape from what is unpleasant. In and of itself, this mental habit is not a problem and can assist us in pursuing goals that are good, beneficial, and desirable.
The key to utilizing this habit for good (rather than destruction) is the ability to recognize our own thought and emotional patterns. If we know what we are thinking at any given moment, then we will be aware of whether the thoughts we indulge in will bring us beneficial or harmful consequences.
However, this tendency becomes dangerous when we start seeking chemical-induced pleasure rather than goals. The tendency to fall into habitual and self-destructive behaviors is quite prevalent in our chaotic world. Now, more than ever, it is critical that we learn to analyze our own thought processes to determine whether the consequences of a particular way of thinking will bring beneficial or detrimental results.
For example, when we consider whether we should have a cigarette, we should think carefully about what it does to our mind and body and where it will ultimately lead us.
There’s a reason people turn to cigarettes, alcohol, and narcotics. They – temporarily – feel good or eliminate pain.
In case you are developing spiritually, then even a very small amount of such substances can be very dangerous, but we won’t discuss this particular subject any further in this article.
Before we are ready to take an honest look on how our addiction is impacting our lives (poor relationships, deteriorating health, financial insecurity, etc), our mind will encourage us to reach for more of what is making us feel good and we will give into this impulse instantly. Unfortunately, each successive dose will produce weaker and weaker results, and we will soon discover that only by increasing the dosage do we achieve the desired result of feeling better.
Herein lies the real problem. We begin to believe we need something to feel better – that we are incapable of controlling our own emotions. This something can be anything: alcohol, sexual gratification, work, food, shopping, pills, and many other substances. It matters not at all what the substance is. What matters is our insistence that happiness resides in external stimuli. As long as this is the underlying belief, recovery is challenging.
From there the mind will activate all its machinery to create a new reality for us. Our mind will create a reality in which we set up our lives so that we have access to more and more pleasures.
A person that is in control of their own thought process would not have brought themselves to this state. They would have already asked themselves, Where is this behavior leading me? They would understand that intense gratification often leads to behaviors that result from addiction.
For those who have fallen prey to the desire to seek the wrong kind of pleasure—the external things— will find themselves with a bigger problem than their addiction. There are a large number of people who have died before us who suffered from the same addictions we struggle with today. These souls now reside in the astral world as spirits. The astral world (also referred to as the astral realm or the astral plane) is a plane of existence where souls reside after their physical death. Those who struggled with addiction while alive now exist on a higher vibrational plane—the astral plane. Since there are no alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes on the astral plane, these spirits are unable to fulfill their craving and suffer greatly.
If you are addicted to a substance like tobacco, ask yourself what it would be like to not smoke a cigarette when you crave it. Now, imagine that you will never smoke a cigarette again. This will give you a rough idea of the kind of torment that people who have died with any form of addiction will experience. Even worse, spirits feel cravings in a magnified manner because they no longer have a physical body that in some ways, blocks the intensity of the craving. When a physical body is no longer present, the craving can even feel one hundred times stronger.
I hope this will give you enough motivation to free yourself from all destructive habits or even addictions while you are still alive, so that you will not have to suffer when you no longer have a physical body.
Spirits suffer because they cannot obtain what they are addicted to, and this will directly affect the living that struggle with any kind of addiction. We discussed this topic of like attracts like in How Not To Attract Spirits: Part Two. If you suffer from addiction, you will attract spirits that suffered the same addiction. When you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or are immersed in activity like over-working or over-spending, it is rather easy for spirits to attach themselves to you, because at that moment of weakness, you don’t have a full control over your physical body. To make matters worse, the spirit will intensify your desire to fulfill the addiction.
The astral world accumulates and magnifies all the cravings produced collectively by humanity, so you get some idea of how powerful these energies can be. When a spirit influences a person with such powerful cravings, the possessed person has no way to oppose this craving—they will give in. The spirit does this in order to fulfill their own craving. However, this fulfillment is only an illusion and the spirit remains desperate to satisfy their craving.
At this point, the possessed addict begins to go to extremes to satisfy their addiction, resulting in highly destructive and dangerous behavior. They no longer have control over themselves and will do anything to feed their addiction.
Freedom from such destructive behavior can only be achieved by undergoing a process of spirit removal. When spirits are removed, this will cause the spirit's strong desires to break away from us and gives us a chance at freedom.
However, this doesn’t completely solve our problem. A person that is possessed will have to work on their own psyche to overcome their own physical and emotional cravings.
If you find yourself attracted to any form of addiction, we can encourage you to try a very effective method in order to stop this cycle of destruction.
Awareness always leads to freedom because the moment you look at your own suffering, you’re given the motivation to change what does not serve you. In every addiction, there is a great amount of suffering—you must face the suffering and not run away from the awareness of that suffering.
I hope this will give you the motivation to free yourself from all destructive habits resulting from addiction while you are still alive, so that you will not have to suffer when you no longer have a physical body. For more information on spirit attachment & addiction please refer to Wanda Pratnicka's book "Possessed by Ghosts, chapter: Addictions.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here: COMMON SYMPTOMS OF SPIRIT ATTACHMENT
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment? Please visit: REQUEST CHECK-UP PAGE
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits? Please visit: SPIRIT REMOVAL PROCESS PAGE.
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