In this series, we will explore the symptoms most commonly associated with spirit attachments. But first, understanding symptoms requires us to properly recognize what the astral world is and where spirits come from.
The soul of a person who has lost their physical body through illness, accident, etc. is faced with the choice of what to do after leaving physicality. Many souls are so strongly connected to the physical sphere that they cannot imagine leaving it; very often they do not want to accept the death of their physical body. This serves as the crux of a spirit attachment in many cases: your loved one is struggling to let go of their physicality and clinging to connection.
One of the first most common symptoms when a spirit attaches itself to a living person is: loss of energy and chronic fatigue.
A couple weeks after physical death, during which time the soul had the strength and ability to pass to the other side, the soul often decides to remain close to the physical realm. Such a decision is connected with many painful consequences.
Such a soul will not receive energy from any source. It is as if The Universe is saying to this soul: “Listen, choosing to remain in physicality is not a good choice. After all, you no longer have a physical body.”
Therefore, the first, very painful consequence that the spirit will experience is the loss of its vitality. The spirit will frantically search for a way to replenish its energy levels and often discovers that whenever it is near a living person, it is able to take some energy from them. Later the spirit will see that the more it is able to get close to the living person, the more of their energy it will receive.
It will observe the living one closely to discern what thoughts and emotions mainly occupy them. Some of these thoughts and emotions will belong to the spirit energy level, i.e., to the sphere of such emotional states as irritation, annoyance, anger, rage, hatred, envy, jealousy, self-pity or fear.
When the spirit who is attached to the living person, discovers what is the main negative emotion of a given person, it will try to influence it (spirits can influence people on the emotional level only). It will send thoughts to the living person that will evoke the same emotions.
For example, if a living person gives in to anger, the spirit will suggest to them thoughts that will strengthen this emotion. Let’s take the case of an artist who suffers bouts of frustration over an inability to create specific items. The spirit will then repeatedly direct the attention of the living to the lack of any ability to paint this or any other item. The spirit might then take it a step further and add anger to all related situations (mixing colors, dropping brushes, etc).
Since these thoughts come from the spirit, and not from the living person, there will be a subtle bond between the living person and spirit. The living person would not have these experiences by themselves, they come because he begins to rely on the spirit’s suggestions. The stronger this bond is, the more a person will respond to the spirit's suggestions and the more energy he will give back to the spirit. This is because the energy levels of the two connecting beings - the living and the spirit - will always seek to balance out. Since the living person receives new energy from the Universe and the spirit has no energy at all, the living will lose energy and the spirit will gain. The result? People who have spirits attached tend to experience low levels of energy.
The living person must be constantly aware of their thoughts and emotions in order to properly assess whether they originate from within him or from an attached spirit. The living person then needs to determine whether his thoughts and emotions are beneficial for him or are interfering with his life. Once the emotions are recognized and a value determination is made, the living person can decide whether to hold on to the emotion because it serves him well or to reject it because of its negative and destructive influence.
Letting go of an emotion may not be easy. Some are firmly ingrained within us and simply wait for us to pay attention to the feeling so it can manifest in our lives. Attention is, after all, the stream of energy that feeds emotion. Without attention, emotions can’t stay alive.
When the emotion originates from a spirit, it can be more difficult to break free from such manipulation. The spirit is fighting for survival and will do anything in its power to force the living to pay attention to it. But if we approach things consistently and persistently tell the spirit “no”, its powers will diminish until eventually we no longer attract it at all.
If a person is going through the spirit removal process (exorcism), then at some point the spirit will simply not be attracted by the living one any more. It won’t come back again when it is led away for the umpteenth time. It will be a glorious day of everlasting victory.
On the other hand, if the living one has spirits attached and does not receive the removal process (exorcism), then unfortunately the above strategy will only give limited results. A person can learn not to react emotionally to the promptings of the spirit (which, of course, also has great value), but the spirit is still attached to them and sooner or later the living will have to undergone the removal process.
Now that we’ve explored the most common symptom of spirit attachment, you may be looking at your chronic fatigue a little differently. If you’re wondering whether a spirit attachment is the cause, we invite you to learn more about attachments and their impact on the living: Read previous blog posts.
Stay tuned for the next installment of this series. We will be exploring the next common symptom of a spirit attachment – intense negative emotions.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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