If you’ve been following the blog, you know we’ve spent some time exploring what it’s like to sense invisible beings. Today we will delve into other types of influence spirits can yield over the living.
Sufferers of spirit attachment often report the feeling as though they’re being touched. Sometimes it happens that we are touched with sympathy, for example, by someone close to us who has gone through the transformation called death. Most often, however, the touch will be in sexual nature.
Sexual power is a creative energy in our world. It is woven into virtually all areas of life. Experiencing touch with sexual hints from spirits can be incredibly confusing. Often, we respond to these sexual overtures in the same way we respond to those from other living beings – with arousal. Since there is nothing in our physical experience that prompts this, sufferers frequently find themselves confused and distressed.
Spirits can only touch us in this way if we have not learned to manage the currents of our own sexual energy. Or to put it another way, our subconscious wishes for such a touch. We crave the touch so long as it is with a very specific person whom we have allowed to be touched. However, we must remember that sexuality is a force that extends far beyond a relationship between two people.
As living beings, we need to stay aware of our own sexual currents to ensure we are opening and closing them as we choose. This is difficult for most people because one has to become very aware of one's own emotional life and thoughts in order to control their sexual currents. This is no easy task and requires an ongoing effort to understand our own thoughts and emotions. Thankfully, this work is important in every arena of life – not just in relation to sexual currents and urges.
For the most part, we devote little attention to this area - our emotions and thoughts live their own lives. This is because, at some point in our lives, we have introduced certain energies into the area of emotions and thoughts. These energies have allowed them to work "their own way". Emotions and thoughts want to live. The energy that feeds them is the attention we give to them. So, in order to stay alive, emotions and thoughts will urge us to pay attention to them again and again.
While our own energies are responsible for these thoughts and emotions, we may find they’ve now outgrown their usefulness. Something that we considered to be something good a few, or several dozen years ago, may turn out to be completely useless now.
Freeing ourselves from unwanted emotions and thoughts is quite simple but requires us to direct constant attention to the cause. We must recognize and accept that without awareness of emotions and thoughts we will not have a good life.
If this understanding is already there - as it is with most people who experienced spirit attachments and suffered greatly - the next step is to focus our attention on anything for as long as we can. This kind of concentration has to be practiced, because only by using it we will be able to free ourselves from unwanted emotions and thoughts.
Whenever we notice an unwanted emotion, thought, or desire (such as a sexual one) we have to decide whether such a desire is there, whether we need it at that moment, and whether it serves a purpose.
We must always consider the consequences of giving in to certain desires. Suppose we lack intimacy and think we will fill that intimacy through sexual contact with another person. We need to be aware of the consequences of such a desire.
For example, if we build up a strong desire for a sexual interaction, it can easily take control of our behavior and "unload" on a person we would not typically engage with sexually (or worse, a ghost). The sexual force driven by desire will grow and seek to find an outlet. It may then happen that we begin to be drawn more and more toward unhealthy sexual practices that have nothing to do with love. What's more, if these desires are not fully realized, we may not even understand why we are being drawn to such practices. We tell ourselves that we are attracted to it and that is that. Then we become addicted to sex, pornography, and so on.
We forget that we ourselves have built a great sexual energy, which now demands a channel to flow through. The way out, then, is to recognize whether we should build up certain desires at all, because their realization is only a matter of time and circumstance. There is a wise saying - "Be careful what you wish for". Now you understand what its author meant.
So, when we pay attention to our emotions and thoughts, we need to be constantly aware of their consequences. We need to assess which results they bring to us and to decide immediately if we want those results. If not, we must quickly shift our attention from the thought that does not serve us to another thing that we know for certain is constructive and desirable.
The difficulty is that the power of desire we have created in the past can be huge, and we will have to deny access to particular emotions and thoughts many, or even very many times. Sometimes it can take years to free ourselves from a great desire that is unfavorable to us. But there is no other way, because otherwise we will attract unhealthy situations, toxic people or spirits of the dead who did not control their own sexuality before they died, for example, and will be attracted by our own, also uncontrolled, sexuality.
Sexual power is very good if it is consciously directed into constructive channels that are not necessarily sexually oriented in nature - for example, into action that benefits others, or creativity in the arts. It's a bit like a sharp knife - you can use it for constructive or destructive things.
Check out the other parts of our When You Sense Invisible Beings article:
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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