The pattern of looking for salvation or rescue outside oneself has profound psychological and social origins. From our earliest days, as infants and small children, survival and safety were entirely reliant on our caregivers. This primal dependency, hardwired into our earliest experiences, often remains active in adulthood, bolstered by cultural and societal influences that reinforce the idea of external saviors.
Religions frequently portray deities as external saviors, inviting followers to seek redemption outside themselves. Folklore and literature romanticize the hero—whether a gallant prince or a knight in shining armor—coming to rescue the helpless. Modern media further ingrains this dependency with portrayals of charismatic leaders solving society’s woes. Underpinning this cultural narrative are psychological tendencies like the avoidance of responsibility, fear of independence, and learned helplessness. Coupled with a deep-seated need for belonging and care, many individuals grow to doubt their own capacity to navigate life’s challenges unaided.
Traumatic experiences amplify the inclination to seek help externally. Moments of profound helplessness, where survival hinged on external intervention, leave lasting imprints on the psyche. For many, familial patterns reinforce these beliefs. Parents may unintentionally communicate to their children that they are incapable of managing life independently. Such environments, lacking in support for developing autonomy, further embed reliance on external sources of guidance and security.
Breaking free from this deeply ingrained pattern requires sustained self-work. It begins with recognizing and valuing one’s internal resources, building self-confidence, and gradually taking full responsibility for one’s life. This transformation often involves revisiting past traumas, dismantling limiting beliefs, and consciously fostering independence. While the process can be long and challenging, it ultimately empowers individuals to reclaim their agency and believe in their innate ability to navigate life’s complexities.
Everyday life brings its own array of difficulties, but for those on a spiritual path, the challenges can feel even greater. Spiritual seekers—engaged in practices such as meditation, reading esoteric literature, or attending workshops—often find themselves grappling with the demands of both material and metaphysical worlds. The recognition that reality extends beyond the physical realm into vast, unseen dimensions can be as exhilarating as it is unsettling.
Realizing that the world is far more intricate than initially imagined can evoke both awe and trepidation. For some, the use of psychoactive substances to explore metaphysical dimensions accelerates this confrontation with the unknown. These experiences, while opening doors to new realities, often lead to misinterpretations of what is perceived. Just as an infant struggles to make sense of their surroundings until their senses mature, so too does the novice in the metaphysical realm face confusion and misjudgment.
As individuals open their metaphysical senses, they often encounter entities from subtle dimensions. Paradoxically, their first experiences frequently involve beings of lower vibrational frequencies, as these are closest to the physical plane. Navigating this phase demands heightened critical thinking, but fascination with the unknown can sometimes overshadow caution. This vulnerability is often exploited by certain entities, particularly earthbound spirits of the deceased, who present themselves as guides or companions.
Earthbound spirits, lingering near the physical realm, often lack the energy required for their existence. They may seek relationships with living humans, offering guidance in exchange for an energy connection. While such relationships can provide initial insights into the metaphysical world, they often come at a steep price. Over time, the human may experience significant energy depletion and emotional suffering. This phenomenon is not limited to individuals experimenting with altered states of consciousness; it also affects those undergoing spontaneous spiritual awakenings, which are increasingly common in today’s era of planetary energy shifts.
Both the physical and metaphysical realms are intricately complex, demanding careful exploration. For those venturing into the unknown, mindfulness and discernment are crucial. While enthusiasm and curiosity drive discovery, unchecked excitement can lead to unnecessary struggles. A balanced, reflective approach ensures that the journey into the subtler dimensions is both enlightening and safe.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of his wife Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
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1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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