It’s not uncommon that we’re asked how to proceed when the possessing spirit is someone with whom we’ve had positive and intimate emotional contact. Here too, we must delineate whether the emotions were of a positive or negative nature. In this post, we’ll discuss a relationship in which positive emotions can prevail.
This is not an easy situation, as our subconscious tends to constantly attract such spirits, associating them with goodness: for everyone wants to experience goodness as much as possible. In such a case our subconscious should be taught that although we’ve experienced a lot of goodness because of the deceased, our relationship has now become toxic. This is because the spirit no longer belongs to the physical world, but continues to linger among the living. A spirit that hasn’t crossed over to the other side and lingers among the living takes away our energy, sends us negative emotions, and causes all sorts of other problems which you can read about in detail HERE.
Such toxic relationships can only exist if their basis was love of the lower level. There are two levels of love. One type of love comes from the heart, and the other comes from human emotions and needs. Love from the heart is by far the most desirable. People who’ve experienced it know that its basis is the freedom shared with, and given to, the other soul. Without this freedom, the level of love comes not from the heart, but merely from the human, or in other words egoistic, need for love.
Therefore so-called “human” love is not really love but rather fear, that dresses itself in the garments of true love that only comes from the heart. This fear may take many forms: possessive love, jealous love, protective love, and so many more. In fact, these are all nothing more than various fears of losing the "beloved" individual.
For example, possessive love is often found in parents who try to "protect" their children at all costs, though there’s no danger present. The main motivation here is not the welfare of the child but rather the emotional interest of the parent, who can’t bear the idea that in some way they may lose a child. Such parents then become unhealthily overprotective, and restrict their child's freedom and development. What's more, they project their subconscious fears onto the child, which ironically strains children who naturally mimic emotional patterns from their parents’ behavior.
This most frequently happens without words, and without awareness, because emotions require no words in order to be conveyed or perceived. A mother doesn’t have to verbally express her fear or insecurity for it to be received and accepted automatically by her children. From this comes the immense responsibility parents must take for their own thought and emotional patterns: to choose them consciously not only for themselves, but for the well-being of their children.
Jealous love, as another example, has identical causes that seek to limit their partner’s freedom, for fear that s/he may direct their romantic attentions to another person. We’re all probably aware in some way of the suffering this can create, both during life and after the death of a partner.
Another type of toxic love can originate in children whose parents die prematurely. A child is of course in the habit of depending upon the support of their parents. While justified in early childhood, there must come a point when s/he develops self-reliance, and a gradual independence from the parents. This is rarely easy; we humans often confuse our biological parents with our true parents: the divine ones. From our human parents, we need to become independent as soon as possible; they only serve in place of our divine parents, from whom we never become independent.
We have divine origins: we are made of the same stuff as God and this fact can’t be erased, though many live their entire lives unaware of it. They actively or passively disregard their divinity, and so default to their ego. This is a crucial mistake, and only those who knock the ego off its pedestal and return to their divine roots will restore or establish their physical, emotional and mental well-being. Many have proven this can be done, and in fact is optimally the ultimate goal of all humanity.
Let’s return now to the toxic love between the living and the dead. Our subconscious, through its emotions and thoughts, will attract the deceased. These patterns are strongly ingrained and need to be given direct attention. During the SPIRIT ATTACHMENT REMOVAL PROCESS provided here at the Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, we help our clients identify and recognize these patterns, as well as how to modify and detoxify them. With the Center’s support and guidance, anyone can gain the skills to recognize toxic thoughts and emotions, to learn to neutralize the toxic relationship, and to release patterns so that no more spirits are attracted to them, upon understanding and mastering our Center’s process.
Everyone in this situation must work consciously on recognizing their habits and patterns of toxic emotions and thoughts that first attracted the deceased to themselves. Thus, the work begins by first understanding which category one will need to place the relationship with the deceased, in order to identify how we attracted the deceased to begin with. Next, one can be taught how to forgive the deceased for attaching to us. Only then can one learn to forgive oneself for any guilt feelings or self-blame for attracting the spirit with one’s own emotions and thought patterns.
At this point in the Spirit Attachment Removal Process, one learns to focus on what needs our own subconscious fulfills for the spirit. Some of these may include the alleviation of feelings of loneliness, loss, discomfort making independent decisions, and even unexpressed sexuality - to name just a few. Such negative and therefore toxic feelings are all based on the illusion that the deceased spirit can fulfill these needs without very negative consequences for the living. Not least, because we merely receive a substitute from the spirit of course: never the real thing. Thus whenever we consciously or subconsciously choose to do so, the consequence will only ever be suffering. The good thing about suffering though, is that it can motivate us to work to permanently free ourselves from the cause of our spirit attachment problems.
In the next section, we’ll deepen our exploration of spirit attachment, and share strategies for dealing with this type of relationship with one's subconscious.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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