In order to understand this issue properly, one must first have the understanding of what spirits are and how communication between spirits and a living person occurs.
But before we explain this dynamic, it is important to be aware that a person has several bodies. The first is the external body or the physical body, followed by the etheric body, the astral body (the most important for our consideration), then the mental body—the entirety of all our thoughts—and finally the higher bodies, which are not important for the subject matter discussed herein.
*Picture of the various bodies
The external body of a spirit is the astral body (because it has already laid aside the physical and etheric body). It resembles the physical body in appearance, so spirits often get these two bodies confused. Sometimes a spirit mistakes its astral body for its physical body, still thinking that it is on the physical level. It is difficult to imagine, but death is a very traumatic experience for many spirits and they do not want to accept that they no longer have a physical body. In the astral world, every object of the physical world finds its counterpart, hence a spirit may confuse the two worlds — it is in an astral body in the astral world, and it seems to the spirit that it is in a physical body in the physical world. When a spirit looks at a loved one, it does not see their physical body, but instead, it sees the astral body of the loved one.
As Wanda Pratnicka, PhD., explains in her book, "Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms in the 21st Century", some spirits feel a desire for close contact with the physical world, which will ultimately cause tremendous suffering for not only the spirits themselves, but for the living people that the spirits have attached themselves to as well. The correct course of action for any soul who has just left a physical body is to go directly to the other side, also referred to as the Light. However, many souls choose to defy this action, and instead, remain amongst their loved ones. Soon thereafter, they begin to run out of energy because they are now astral beings and no longer receive new energy as a living person does. This energy depletion is a traumatic experience for the spirit because it feels like it is dying, which, in fact, it is — for there is no life without energy.
After a while, spirits will discover that they can receive energy if they manage to get close to a living person. The closer they get, the more energy they can take from that person. Ultimately, their survival instinct kicks in, and they will do anything to ensure themselves a constant supply of energy from the living. This is made possible due to the fact that the living constantly receives energy from the universe.
People attract spirits due to many different reasons, all of which are listed in "Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcisms in the 21st Century". We will discuss some of the most common ones here, because by learning and understanding the mechanism of the attraction of spirits, we will be equipped to defend ourselves from them and keep them at bay.
Spirits that didn't transition to the other side are always interested in close contact with the living because they are able to draw energy from them in order to thrive, which they do not receive while remaining in the low astral world. This lack of this energy is the clue that the Universe offers to the spirits, "Please listen, you are doing something wrong. You are suffering from a lack of energy by staying here, but you don't have to suffer at all. You just have to decide to go to the other side, to the Light, where a wonderful world full of abundance is awaiting you."
Suffering in any form is always some form of guidance — the Universe is compassionate and cares about us. So it is important to remember that when we're suffering, it is worth listening to the suffering and wonder what we're doing wrong, instead of constantly looking for ways to escape the suffering.
In part two, we will present ways to avoid spirits that approach us, to create a complete distance from the low astral world, and to raise our own vibration so that energetically or emotionally, we are never on the level of spirits and the level of emotional suffering.
*For more detailed information about various bodies, please refer to Wanda Pratnicka's book "In the Wheel of Life Vol. 1"
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here: COMMON SYMPTOMS OF SPIRIT ATTACHMENT
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment? Please visit: REQUEST CHECK-UP PAGE
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits? Please visit: SPIRIT REMOVAL PROCESS PAGE.
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