As you know from reading this web page, the souls of people who have not departed to the afterlife, to the Light, may want to stay close to physicality and to possess living people. The reasons why this happens have been mentioned many times in numerous places on this web page. They are all described in detail in the book "Possessed by Ghosts - Exorcism in the 21st Century".
Briefly, let me state that such a soul is most often forced to draw energy from living people, and it can do this in many ways. The presence of spirits in close proximity to living people can have very serious, sometimes even tragic consequences. Possession by spirits manifests itself in a whole range of symptoms described HERE.
If we suffer from one, or many of these symptoms, we can help ourselves by reaching out to a good exorcist. However, it doesn't end there. We will also have to work on our psyche. Sometimes very hard work is necessary, which may even take years. For it is our psyche that has attracted the spirits. While the removal of spirits will give you relief, you will also need to change your thought and emotional patterns to avoid attracting spirits in the future.
Symptoms can occur in varying intensity. Sometimes they are very subtle, even imperceptible, but sometimes they are very strong. For example, we may occasionally get angry because of spirits, but we may also live in a perpetual rage against the world, people, and even God. Or we may occasionally suffer from a mild personality disorder, or live with acute schizophrenia for most of our lives. The scope and intensity of the symptoms of a possession by spirits is very broad. Many people find that their symptoms intensify over time, and wonder why this happens.
Well, people who are mature enough to address the problem of spirit possession are forced by life, so to speak, to free themselves of spirits. Humans have a tendency to habitually push forward on a chosen course. We create our own way of life and stick to it, often with great stubbornness. This has its good points - it keeps us moving towards fulfilling the goals we have set for ourselves. But sometimes we close our eyes to everything else, because we don't want to know the uncomfortable truth. We know that by learning this truth we will have to deal with that area of our life that we didn't want to look at, so it’s as if we are forcing ourselves to eventually deal with it.
And we don't want to look, because underneath the symptoms is pain that we don't want to recognize at any cost. But the road to freedom leads through understanding our own weaknesses, and these weaknesses ultimately stem from some form of wound, most often created in early childhood, which we do not want to dig out.
Humanity is in the process of evolution, everything in the Universe is evolving - our planet, plants, animals and humans. Evolution is one of the basic principles governing the Universe. So we of necessity go along the path of evolution, but we ourselves also desire to evolve, we desire to be better and better people, to have more and more power, to be wiser and wiser and to love more and more. We inherited this desire from our Father - God.
Therefore we decided to incarnate on our beautiful planet, and it was a decision that came from our mind - we wanted to be more and more wonderful. Now existing as beings on earth, we have largely forgotten this, busy with our daily lives and matters of survival.
The Universe, however, remembers and reminds us of this by allowing us to confront the suffering that we are experiencing. It is like shoes that are too tight and are pinching. It is high time to put on new, more comfortable shoes. To do this, we must first of all look at the suffering. As we rush through life, we often don't want to, and we carry around with us a load of negative emotions that create a sometimes tragic reality for us.
The Universe will then in a way "force" us to look at our suffering, or rather we force ourselves to because we wanted to evolve before we entered incarnation. So if our problem is one of possession, and we want to address it (and this is by no means the task of all the people possessed by spirits, but only of a small group that is mature enough to do so) then the suffering caused by the symptoms of possession will intensify.
We must not run away from challenges and problems. We know from everyday life that putting off paying the electricity bill until tomorrow will not improve our situation, but will actually make it worse. This is because putting off a problem has a snowball-like effect. You run away from it down the mountain, and it rushes after you and gets bigger and bigger. If you don't find a solution and decide to run away forever, the snowball will catch up with you and hit you with great momentum.
The case with possession by spirits is identical. If you have come to this page, chances are good that you are ready to completely deal with the problem of possession. During the removal process, we will help you become aware of what your emotional and habitual thought issues are so that you no longer attract spirits after they have been removed. However, you will have to do the work of changing your own thoughts and emotions on your own.
About the Author:
Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.
1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:
2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?
3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?
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