Why Are We Afraid to Talk About Spirit Possession

Why Are We Afraid to Talk About Spirit Possession and Exorcism?


The fear surrounding discussions on spirit possession and exorcism stems from a deeply rooted history. Delving into the past, we find that in the year 325 A.D., the Council of Nicaea denounced actions deemed heretical by the Church. However, the Church had already been condemning beliefs and practices conflicting with its own doctrine. Fast forward to the 13th century, and the Church established the Inquisition, an institution designed to persecute those engaged in heretical acts, including exorcisms. The punishments were severe, ranging from property confiscation to exile, imprisonment, torture, and even death by burning at the stake.


Collective Trauma: The Lingering Impact of Spirit Possession and Exorcism

Throughout history, Jesus is renowned as an exorcist who healed those afflicted by spirit possession. His followers, predominantly lay Christians, carried on this essential tradition for centuries. Yet, at some point, the Church deemed exorcisms performed by laypeople as heresy, leading to the persecution not only of the exorcists but also of the possessed individuals themselves. The possessing spirits often displayed intense anger toward the Catholic faith, resulting in accusations of individuals having "pacts with the devil." Consequently, people who experienced spirit possession endured persecution and immense torment. As part of anti-heretical practices, individuals were coerced, often through torture, to renounce the "devil." Although possessed individuals distanced themselves from practices conflicting with the Church's doctrine, the possessing spirits had no such intentions. For a spirit that has transcended the death of the physical body, the concept of death is no longer terrifying. Moreover, spirits that have not moved on to the Light tend to rebel against anything that contradicts their beliefs. Persisting in heresy often led to the agonizing fate of being burned at the stake.


Collective Trauma


It is essential to approach these historical horrors with an understanding that spirit possessions have been associated with persecution and immense suffering, deeply ingrained in the collective memory of humanity. This shared emotional experience has left its imprint not only on the collective consciousness but also within the very cells of our physical bodies. This association holds true for people in Western and Central Europe, as well as those who emigrated from Europe to regions like the United States and Australia.


The Connection to Mental Illness: Challenging the Stigma of Spirit Possession

Another factor contributing to the fear surrounding spirit possession is the frequent connection made with mental illness (read more about common symptoms of spirit possession). In certain cases, the possessed individual becomes temporarily or completely dominated by the psyche of the possessing spirit. The degree of domination depends on two factors: the psychic strength of the possessed person and the power of the possessing spirit. The stronger the spirit and the weaker the individual, the more pronounced the problem of domination becomes. This results in the individual losing control over their behavior and essentially becoming a puppet controlled by the spirit, stripped of their free will. The unpredictable nature of their actions generates fear within their environment, leading to prejudices and stigmatization.


Embracing Solutions: Overcoming Resistance to Address Spirit Possession

These factors contribute to immense stress and create reluctance for people who experience spirit possession to acknowledge the root cause of their problems. The collective emotional connection to past suffering prevents many from confronting and understanding this issue, leading to avoidance and repression.

Interestingly, those who often recognize spirit possession most swiftly are individuals in close proximity to the possessed person. They witness significant changes in the possessed person's psyche and often take the initiative to seek solutions on their behalf. They also observe the possessed person's persistent fear of discussing their problem, choosing to repress it instead.


The Last Resort: Seeking Help from Exorcists in the Journey to Healing

Fortunately, not all cases of spirit possession result in the intense domination described earlier. Many individuals who struggle with possession have enough strength to seek help for themselves. However, the majority still harbor significant resistance to acknowledging the true cause of their problems. As a result, an exorcist is often the last resort in the process of returning to normality, as the possessed individual has already exhausted all other available methods, such as mood-stimulating substances, visits to therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists, and a range of alternative therapies for improving mental health. The perpetual emotional/mental suffering and often accompanying physical suffering drive the person who experiences spirit possession to continue their relentless pursuit for answers.

For more information related to the topic discussed above, you can find it by reading our post: Why Spirit Possession is Still a Taboo Subject?



About the Author:

Michael, a co-founder of The Dr. Wanda Pratnicka Center, holds a B.A. degree in psychology and is a spiritual teacher and healer, with a specialization in spirit removal. Under the mentorship of Wanda Pratnicka, Michael gained profound spiritual insights into the nuances of spirit attachment phenomenon, and for many years, he played a crucial role in assisting her with the remote spirit removal process. In his leisure time, Michael finds solace in meditation, immerses himself in the timeless beauty of classical music, and cherishes tranquil walks by the sea.





1. You can find more information about common symptoms of spirit attachment / possession here:


2. How to check whether you or your loved one are experiencing a spirit attachment?


3. Want to learn more about how we remove spirits?





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